kerberos-io / web

(DEPRECATED) An open source GUI to configure the machinery and to view events that were detected by the machinery.
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Can't access web interface #168

Open offcorse opened 3 years ago

offcorse commented 3 years ago

I have a PI 3 B with the latest Raspian and Kerberos 2.8.0. I have a wifi access point setup to connect to the PI via SSH. I can connect to the network ssid and the unit through Putty, but I get a fatal error when trying to access the web interface. Here's the error. The config.xml file looks fine.

(1/1) FatalThrowableErrorClass 'SimpleXMLElement' not found

in ConfigXMLReader.php line 21 at ConfigXMLReader->readXML('/etc/opt/kerberosio/config/config.xml')in ConfigXMLReader.php line 10 at ConfigXMLReader->read('/etc/opt/kerberosio/config/config.xml')in ImageFileSystemHandler.php line 21 at ImageFileSystemHandler->__construct(object(ConfigXMLReader), object(DiskFilesystem), object(Carbon)) at ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(array(object(ConfigXMLReader), object(DiskFilesystem), object(Carbon)))in Container.php line 762 at Container->build('App\Http\Repositories\ImageHandler\ImageFileSystemHandler')in Container.php line 608 at Container->resolve('App\Http\Repositories\ImageHandler\ImageFileSystemHandler', array())in Container.php line 564 at Container->makeWith('App\Http\Repositories\ImageHandler\ImageFileSystemHandler', array())in Application.php line 709 at Application->makeWith('App\Http\Repositories\ImageHandler\ImageFileSystemHandler', array())in Container.php line 248
