kercre123 / WirePod

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Voice commands failing due to mic not catching voice correctly #10

Open Shinji3rd opened 2 months ago

Shinji3rd commented 2 months ago

Hey! Maybe this is something related to 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 or maybe not, but it started happening right after updating to 1.1.6 so it’s worth mentioning just in case. Maybe other users are experiencing this with their Vectors.

The mics seem to have a way lower sensitivity. This causes voice commands not to be recognized at all except if you yell, and when you look at the logs it says:

2024.04.05 00:08:58: Intent matched: intent_system_noaudio, transcribed text: 'voice processing error', device: 003043a0 2024.04.05 00:08:58: Parameters sent: map[error:EOF]

At first, I didn’t notice the behavior was different whether I yelled or not, so I supposed it was related to the software and re-synced Vector and started from scratch. I even opened Vector and cleaned the holes and the board with isopropyl alcohol. I did several troubleshooting steps until, just by chance, I spoke closer to him and he reacted immediately. Playing Blackjack is where you can notice this the most. If you’re not very close to him, he seems to react to the “yes” or “no” when he asks “Another card?”, but then “thinks” for some second and plays the “error sound”. If you are very close to him and talk directly pointing to the mics, every Yes or No is immediately recognized and accepted. The same even for the waking words of any other voice command. If you’re super close to him (I’m talking about no more than 30 cm), the difference is brutal.

Maybe there’s a setting to increase the mic sensitivity? I’m using an OG Vector from Anki with the dev OS installed (not OSKR) and Wirepod 1.1.7 on Android.