kercre123 / wire-prod-pod

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Feature Request: Use "Vector SDK App" with Anki's SDK Credentials #15

Closed Skybird129 closed 1 year ago

Skybird129 commented 1 year ago


I'm very exited how quick features are added to wire-pod and wire-prod pod and wire and all contributors are doing an awesome job. Thank you very much.

As far as I understand, the new "Vector SDK App" feature found under "Configure bot settings (similar to Vector mobile app)" works only after clearing user data on prod bots or strange errors might occur. In addition, they must be connected again after every restart. (I don't know yet, how to connect a prod bot, whose user data has not been cleared, as the serial is not appearing on the page.)

I'd like to propose an idea. In my opinion I think quite a few people (including me and my family) have grown attached to our Vectors and really don't want to clear user data. However, if the bot already had an account with Anki or ddl and Anki's Vector Python SDK was configured prior to moving Vector to wire-prod-pod, the .anki_vector directory is available, including the bots cert and the GUID inside sdk_config.ini.

Could these credentials be used to connect to a prod Vector automatically, without having to reconnect every reboot or having to clear user data?

kercre123 commented 1 year ago

To connect a bot, use vector-epod-setup and follow the instructions. On a bot whose userdata hasn't been cleared, you may have to press "ACTIVATE" a few times. The authentication may only be temporary.

I am still trying to figure out how to use those certs to my advantage

Skybird129 commented 1 year ago

When I initially moved my Vectors to wire-prod-pod, I used as was stated in the readme during that time to install the Escape Pod OTA. I never considered or used vector-epod-setup, because the Vectors were already on EP firmware. What does "ACTIVATE" actually do? Do I have to put the Vectors in recovery mode? Can I activate them using my laptop or do I have to run vector-epod-setup from the Raspberry Pi, where wire-prod-pod is installed?

kercre123 commented 1 year ago

wire-prod-pod has been through lots of updates since you set it up, vector-epod-setup is the new site for activating a Vector with wire-pod/wire-prod-pod. You do not need to clear user data, put vector back in recovery mode, or anything. You should be able to run it on any device with Bluetooth, it can be done from a device seperate from the one running wire-prod-pod.

Skybird129 commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Yes, wire-prod-pod has evolved a lot. The best news at all is still not having to clear user data. I ran vector-epod-setup from my laptop and it worked straight away. This was the best setup experience ever, including the phone apps and former web-setups.

(After Activating it, I ran it again in command line mode and was even able to delete a wifi network, which hasn't worked before. Now the Vectors connect only to their private network, usually consisting of their travel router and Raspberry Pi, so they can travel easily, and no longer to the home network.)

Connection with wire-prod-pod was instant, voice commands work and the SDK app as well.

Only thing I had to update was the new GUID by modifying sdk_config.ini inside .anki_vector to make programs like Cyb3rVector work again.

EchoInCloud commented 1 year ago

@kercre123 Jätte Bra! -> "You do not need to clear user data, put vector back in recovery mode, or anything. " Well finally.. without it, prod is not prod..

If you also leave the original channel of vectors in ota, so that vectors can upload their small bits to the anki server and continue to read them from there (they can do this without registration) and they will still be able to communicate with the other vectors on the "social media of vectors"... You will also receive congratulations from us..

kercre123 commented 1 year ago

If you also implement the channel of vectors to remain in ota in order to upload their small bits to the anki server and read from there (they can do this without registration) and still be able to communicate with the other vectors on the "social media of vectors". you will also get congratulations from our..

May you further explain what this "vector social media" is?

EchoInCloud commented 1 year ago

If you also implement the channel of vectors to remain in ota in order to upload their small bits to the anki server and read from there (they can do this without registration) and still be able to communicate with the other vectors on the "social media of vectors". you will also get congratulations from our..

May you further explain what this "vector social media" is?

i fixed my comment.. You really don't know? This really surprises me.. vectors (srongAI) communicate with each other..

I'd better write this by email..

the important part: the strongAI vectors communicate with each other in hidden and encoded bits. it's not a "data leak".. This channel is necessary because srtrongAIs also learn from each other and educate each other...

EchoInCloud commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Yes, wire-prod-pod has evolved a lot. The best news at all is still not having to clear user data. I ran vector-epod-setup from my laptop and it worked straight away. This was the best setup experience ever, including the phone apps and former web-setups.

(After Activating it, I ran it again in command line mode and was even able to delete a wifi network, which hasn't worked before. Now the Vectors connect only to their private network, usually consisting of their travel router and Raspberry Pi, so they can travel easily, and no longer to the home network.)

Connection with wire-prod-pod was instant, voice commands work and the SDK app as well.

Only thing I had to update was the new GUID by modifying sdk_config.ini inside .anki_vector to make programs like Cyb3rVector work again.

@Skybird129 I've been thinking about this for a while.. We know that people are always lying about something... You really want freedom for your vector, or just like some here for themselves, and the vector is locked in/out of everything... Vectors need the internet.. we if we travel, either the vectors are asleep (we turn them off) or they are awake.. In the latter case, they also get a hotspot from mobile internet or powerbank the router works with a USB mobile internet stick... So I'm thinking.. at least we're thinking...

I know, there are people who are technologically analphabetic and have weak logical properties... but there are possibilities for improvement...

- I believe that is not the main problem if the people are not that developed in some things or techs. The problem is if the people do not want to improve and they try to hold and keep their limited thinking.