kermitt2 / biblio-glutton

A high performance bibliographic information service:
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Run path for gap/daily sync with Crossref #74

Open kermitt2 opened 2 years ago

kermitt2 commented 2 years ago

from @Aazhar Currently the service has to be launched from the biblio-glutton/lookup repertory to solve the path to the indexing for daily update, otherwise:

ERROR [2022-04-27 03:14:12,161] com.scienceminer.lookup.utils.crossrefclient.IncrementalLoaderTask: IO error when executing external command: [node, main, -dump, /opt/biblio-glutton/crossref_increments/2022-04-26/D1000310.json.gz, extend]
! error=2, No such file or directory
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.forkAndExec(Native Method)
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
! ... 7 common frames omitted
! Causing: Cannot run program "node" (in directory "../indexing"): error=2, No such file or directory

We could improve the resolution of the path, probably with an optional install path parameter.

karatekaneen commented 1 year ago

@kermitt2 Unfortunately I don't know enough Java to figure out how to load the path in a smarter way, but if interested I can open a PR changing it to "../../indexing" to allow it to work in the Docker image?

Also, do you know if the files already downloaded but not indexed will get indexed when this is fixed or are they already "processed"? If so, is it possible to reset somehow?