kermitt2 / biblio-glutton

A high performance bibliographic information service:
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New version still relies on Node.js for incremental loading #95

Closed karatekaneen closed 1 week ago

karatekaneen commented 2 months ago

From what I understand from #92 with the point below the dependency on Node.js should be deleted.

  • only one Java application for everything (removal of the Node.js part [...])

However, when running the server in a fresh VM (with only Java installed and not Node) the following errors is logged:

ERROR [2024-05-09 03:00:19,971] com.scienceminer.glutton.utils.crossrefclient.IncrementalLoaderTask: IO error when executing external command: [node, main, -dump, /media/lopez/data2/crossref/2024-05-06/D1000005.json.gz, extend]
! error=2, No such file or directory
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.forkAndExec(Native Method)
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
! ... 7 common frames omitted
! Causing: Cannot run program "node" (in directory "../indexing"): error=2, No such file or directory
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
! at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
! at com.scienceminer.glutton.utils.crossrefclient.IncrementalLoaderTask$
! at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
! at java.base/
! at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
! at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
! at java.base/

The cause is on these lines:

class IndexCrossrefFile implements Runnable { 
  // ... Stuff was here ... //

  public void run() { 
    System.out.println("indexing: " + crossrefFile.getPath());

    ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder();
    // HERE is the problematic thing:
    // command is: node main -dump ~/tmp/crossref_public_data_file_2021_01 index
    builder.command("node", "main", "-dump", crossrefFile.getAbsolutePath(), "extend");        File("../indexing"));

    /* ... More code here ... */
kermitt2 commented 1 week ago

Hi @karatekaneen ! Sorry for forgetting to remove this external call (normally it was just failing but had no impact on the correct indexing). This is fixed.

karatekaneen commented 1 week ago

No need to apologize @kermitt2, it's open source :D Thanks for fixing and thanks for all the hard work!

Haven't verified that the fix works yet but I assume that it will.