kermitt2 / grobid

A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents
Apache License 2.0
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Server keeps crashing with build errors #462

Open juihanamshet opened 5 years ago

juihanamshet commented 5 years ago


I'm converting a large number of pdfs to xml on a Windows 10 machine. The conversion works smoothly for a bit and then suddenly it crashes with the following errors:

Task :grobid-service:run FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Upon restarting the server, the process works smoothly again. How can I fix this?

kermitt2 commented 5 years ago

Hello !

It's probably the same as #436, for Windows 10 it seems that concurrent queries lead to errors. It's complicated to work on this error for me, because I don't have a Windows system around.

It's not related to the build, the error message from gradle is misleading (but I don't know how to change it).

Could you share with us the grobid-service logs? It should be under grobid/logs/

Until we fix the problem, you could try the docker container for more stability on Windows.