kermitt2 / grobid

A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents
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Is Grobid able to OCR papers ? #507

Open AaronNGray opened 4 years ago

AaronNGray commented 4 years ago

Does Grobid do OCR I am trying to get Grobid to process older PDF's like :-

kermitt2 commented 4 years ago

Hello @AaronNGray !

GROBID does not perform OCR, it's considered a bit out of scope (though it's debatable) and we prefer to let the user exploit its OCR of choice (with an Abbyy license, the OCR is usually better than with Tesseract for instance).

However it's quite easy to simply combine GROBID with Tesseract:


ocrmypdf Reynolds74.pdf Reynolds74WithText.pdf

then apply GROBID to the PDF

convert -density 300 -antialias -quality 70 -append -resize 1024x Reynolds74.pdf Reynolds74.png


tesseract -l eng Reynolds74.png Reynolds74WithText.pdf pdf

and then apply GROBID to the PDF.

The result is not wonderful, likely due to the low image quality of this old article, but it depends on your requirements:


It would be interesting to compare the final result with Abbyy or other OCR (and with Tesseract 4.0 which uses DL) !

kermitt2 commented 4 years ago

Just for reference, your second and third articles already contain a text layer in the PDF. But the quality of the OCR of the second 195609-.pdf is so low that it's like having no OCR... The third article Chomsky_1959.pdf is just good and GROBID works fine with it without anything to do.

Here are the results:

195609-WithText.pdf.tei.xml.gz (crappy)

Chomsky_1959.pdf.tei.xml.gz (excellent)

AaronNGray commented 4 years ago

The References/Citations in Chomsky_1959.pdf are very badly interpreted !

AaronNGray commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for Grobid ! I have Grobid running in docker locally now which is nice :)

kermitt2 commented 4 years ago

Ah yes you're right the reference list of Chomsky_1959.pdf are very bad (I just look at the beginning), the reference section is badly segmented from the body. Well, actually the actual references are all there (xml:id="b23" to xml:id="b31") and accurate, it's just that the reference zone is far too large :D

Downchuck commented 4 years ago

At this point -- I'd recommend that older papers receive special treatment in the process of digitization. They're likely to have aged differently in the way they present references, and are also likely to contain OCR misnakes; that Chomsky paper certainly contains a few in the references section.

It's a hard problem, and closes in on some of the issues in text-to-speech recognition around context -- clearly the "h" in Chomesky is an "h" not an "n", but that kind of entity recognition is largely around context, as well as in recognition of the font style and casing.

I'd like to see something of a more pluggable system -- if we can run our OCR and PDF ALTO directives as a specialized loop -- Grobid can work its finer magic.

With this paper in mind, I wonder if some model hints would be helpful, e.g., "publish date of 1950s"

AaronNGray commented 4 years ago

Working against a compiled dictionary for subject areas from more modern papers might help.

andrei-volkau commented 3 years ago

Hello Patrice! @kermitt2 Let me ask a relevant question, please. It is related to understanding the reasons for having some text skipped by GROBID.

Intro I was able to OCR a paper using the latest version of OCRmyPDF. I am sending the result. Reader - LJM_+OCR-91-106.pdf

I am using GROBID (dev version) with segmentSentences option.

files = {'input': open("Reader - LJM_+OCR-91-106.pdf", 'rb'),
         'teiCoordinates': 's',
         "segmentSentences": '1',
response ="http://localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument", files=files)

The resulting XML markup is available here. I extracted s_tags. I highlighted those sentences in the original PDF. highlighted_document.pdf

I am able to see that GROBID is missing some pieces of text despite the fact they are recognized by the OCR engine.

I would appreciate knowing your thoughts on the reasons for that. Is it because the resulting text is messy and pragmatic segmented decides that it is not a sentence?

For example, the following highlighted region is recognized in the way shown after the image.

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 12 22 20
In a well know. m article, J, O. Ormson suggests that the imperatives of duty, which tell us what we must do, as dis- tinct from what ht would he goed to do but not wrong not to do, fune- tion. se as to prohibit behavior that is intolerable if men are to live together In society.{

Or maybe, the problem occurs because PDF contains some missing line that was not recognized by the OCR engine.

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 12 26 11

I would appreciate your thoughts on that. Thank you in advance!

uneetkumarsingh commented 8 months ago

Perhaps that is because, except the segmentation model, all other models including the fulltext model, header model work on token level. So If they are not able to mark a token as part of say abstract or as paragraph then then the post processing rules are removing it. @kermitt2 can give more insights on why this happens!

lfoppiano commented 8 months ago

I've double checked. The issue lay down in the fulltext model. There are big chunks of text that are tagged as table. It's a known issue also considering there isn't much training data for the fulltext model.

it  it  i   it  it  it  t   it  it  it  BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    HIGHERFONT  0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   I-<paragraph>
might   might   m   mi  mig migh    t   ht  ght ight    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
nevertheless    nevertheless    n   ne  nev neve    s   ss  ess less    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
be  be  b   be  be  be  e   be  be  be  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
interesting interesting i   in  int inte    g   ng  ing ting    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
consider    consider    c   co  con cons    r   er  der ider    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
why why w   wh  why why y   hy  why why BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
our our o   ou  our our r   ur  our our BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
society society s   so  soc soci    y   ty  ety iety    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    LOWERFONT   0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   I-<table>
most    most    m   mo  mos most    t   st  ost most    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
other   other   o   ot  oth othe    r   er  her ther    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
societies   societies   s   so  soc soci    s   es  ies ties    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
do  do  d   do  do  do  o   do  do  do  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
judge   judge   j   ju  jud judg    e   ge  dge udge    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
differently differently d   di  dif diff    y   ly  tly ntly    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
from    from    f   fr  fro from    m   om  rom from    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
way way w   wa  way way y   ay  way way BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
I   i   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
have    have    h   ha  hav have    e   ve  ave have    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
»   »   »   »   »   »   »   »   »   »   BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   6   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Be  be  B   Be  Be  Be  e   Be  Be  Be  BLOCKIN LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ested   ested   e   es  est este    d   ed  ted sted    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
they    they    t   th  the they    y   ey  hey they    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
should  should  s   sh  sho shou    d   ld  uld ould    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
In  in  I   In  In  In  n   In  In  In  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
well    well    w   we  wel well    l   ll  ell well    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
know    know    k   kn  kno know    w   ow  now know    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
m   m   m   m   m   m   m   m   m   m   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
article article a   ar  art arti    e   le  cle icle    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
J   j   J   J   J   J   J   J   J   J   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
O   o   O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Ormson  ormson  O   Or  Orm Orms    n   on  son mson    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
suggests    suggests    s   su  sug sugg    s   ts  sts ests    BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
that    that    t   th  tha that    t   at  hat that    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    HIGHERFONT  0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
imperatives imperatives i   im  imp impe    s   es  ves ives    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
duty    duty    d   du  dut duty    y   ty  uty duty    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
which   which   w   wh  whi whic    h   ch  ich hich    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
tell    tell    t   te  tel tell    l   ll  ell tell    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
us  us  u   us  us  us  s   us  us  us  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
what    what    w   wh  wha what    t   at  hat what    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
we  we  w   we  we  we  e   we  we  we  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
must    must    m   mu  mus must    t   st  ust must    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
do  do  d   do  do  do  o   do  do  do  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
as  as  a   as  as  as  s   as  as  as  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
dis dis d   di  dis dis s   is  dis dis BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   HYPHEN  6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
tinct   tinct   t   ti  tin tinc    t   ct  nct inct    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    LOWERFONT   0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
from    from    f   fr  fro from    m   om  rom from    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
what    what    w   wh  wha what    t   at  hat what    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ht  ht  h   ht  ht  ht  t   ht  ht  ht  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
would   would   w   wo  wou woul    d   ld  uld ould    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
he  he  h   he  he  he  e   he  he  he  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
goed    goed    g   go  goe goed    d   ed  oed goed    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
do  do  d   do  do  do  o   do  do  do  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
but but b   bu  but but t   ut  but but BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
not not n   no  not not t   ot  not not BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
wrong   wrong   w   wr  wro wron    g   ng  ong rong    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
not not n   no  not not t   ot  not not BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
do  do  d   do  do  do  o   do  do  do  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
fune    fune    f   fu  fun fune    e   ne  une fune    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   HYPHEN  6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
tion    tion    t   ti  tio tion    n   on  ion tion    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    HIGHERFONT  0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
se  se  s   se  se  se  e   se  se  se  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
as  as  a   as  as  as  s   as  as  as  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
prohibit    prohibit    p   pr  pro proh    t   it  bit ibit    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
behavior    behavior    b   be  beh beha    r   or  ior vior    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
that    that    t   th  tha that    t   at  hat that    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
is  is  i   is  is  is  s   is  is  is  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
intolerable intolerable i   in  int into    e   le  ble able    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
if  if  i   if  if  if  f   if  if  if  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
men men m   me  men men n   en  men men BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
are are a   ar  are are e   re  are are BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
live    live    l   li  liv live    e   ve  ive live    BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
together    together    t   to  tog toge    r   er  her ther    BLOCKIN LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
In  in  I   In  In  In  n   In  In  In  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
society society s   so  soc soci    y   ty  ety iety    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
{   {   {   {   {   {   {   {   {   {   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
This    this    T   Th  Thi This    s   is  his This    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
may may m   ma  may may y   ay  may may BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
explain explain e   ex  exp expl    n   in  ain lain    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
origin  origin  o   or  ori orig    n   in  gin igin    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
aru aru a   ar  aru aru u   ru  aru aru BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
continued   continued   c   co  con cont    d   ed  ued nued    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
exist   exist   e   ex  exi exis    t   st  ist xist    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   HYPHEN  6   7   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
erie    erie    e   er  eri erie    e   ie  rie erie    BLOCKIN LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
:   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   PUNCT   6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ce  ce  c   ce  ce  ce  e   ce  ce  ce  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
pres    pres    p   pr  pre pres    s   es  res pres    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
sent    sent    s   se  sen sent    t   nt  ent sent    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
division    division    d   di  div divi    n   on  ion sion    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Betvy   betvy   B   Be  Bet Betv    y   vy  tvy etvy    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
eer eer e   ee  eer eer r   er  eer eer BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
acts    acts    a   ac  act acts    s   ts  cts acts    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
oe  oe  o   oe  oe  oe  e   oe  oe  oe  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
acts    acts    a   ac  act acts    s   ts  cts acts    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
8   8   8   8   8   8   8   8   8   8   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    1   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
charity charity c   ch  cha char    y   ty  ity rity    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
sockety sockety s   so  soc sock    y   ty  ety kety    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
needs   needs   n   ne  nee need    s   ds  eds eeds    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
aeiples aeiples a   ae  aei aeip    s   es  les ples    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
whe whe w   wh  whe whe e   he  whe whe BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   ¥   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
wil wil w   wi  wil wil l   il  wil wil BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
observe observe o   ob  obs obse    e   ve  rve erve    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   PUNCT   6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
rules   rules   r   ru  rul rule    s   es  les ules    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
:   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   PUNCT   6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
#   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   #   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
thab    thab    t   th  tha thab    b   ab  hab thab    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   HYPHEN  6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
make    make    m   ma  mak make    e   ke  ake make    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
social  social  s   so  soc soci    l   al  ial cial    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
exist   exist   e   ex  exi exis    t   st  ist xist    BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ence    ence    e   en  enc ence    e   ce  nce ence    BLOCKIN LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
tolerable   tolerable   t   to  tol tole    e   le  ble able    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
From    from    F   Fr  Fro From    m   om  rom From    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
the the t   th  the the e   he  the the BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
point   point   p   po  poi poin    t   nt  int oint    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
view    view    v   vi  vie view    w   ew  iew view    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
particular  particular  p   pa  par part    r   ar  lar ular    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
society society s   so  soc soci    y   ty  ety iety    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
it  it  i   it  it  it  t   it  it  it  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
is  is  i   is  is  is  s   is  is  is  BLOCKEND    LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   8   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    LOWERFONT   0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
3g  3g  3   3g  3g  3g  g   3g  3g  3g  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  CONTAINSDIGITS  0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
O   o   O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Urmeon  urmeon  U   Ur  Urm Urme    n   on  eon meon    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Seine   seine   S   Se  Sei Sein    e   ne  ine eine    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Heros   heros   H   He  Her Hero    s   os  ros eros    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
"   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   QUOTE   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
tn  tn  t   tn  tn  tn  n   tn  tn  tn  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Essaye  essaye  E   Es  Ess Essa    e   ye  aye saye    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
in  in  i   in  in  in  n   in  in  in  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Moral   moral   M   Mo  Mor Mora    l   al  ral oral    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Philesosiy  philesosiy  P   Ph  Phi Phil    y   iy  siy osiy    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ec  ec  e   ec  ec  ec  c   ec  ec  ec  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Abraham abraham A   Ab  Abr Abra    m   am  ham aham    BLOCKIN LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
L   l   L   L   L   L   L   L   L   L   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Melden  melden  M   Me  Mel Meld    n   en  den lden    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
(   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   OPENBRACKET 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Seattle seattle S   Se  Sea Seat    e   le  tle ttle    BLOCKIN LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKIN LINESTART   LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
London  london  L   Lo  Lon Lond    n   on  don ndon    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ros8    ros8    r   ro  ros ros8    8   s8  os8 ros8    BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  CONTAINSDIGITS  0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
)   )   )   )   )   )   )   )   )   )   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   ENDBRACKET  6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
p   p   p   p   p   p   p   p   p   p   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
arg arg a   ar  arg arg g   rg  arg arg BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Far far F   Fa  Far Far r   ar  Far Far BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ee  ee  e   ee  ee  ee  e   ee  ee  ee  BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   a   BLOCKIN LINEIN  LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
ie  ie  i   ie  ie  ie  e   ie  ie  ie  BLOCKIN LINEEND LINEINDENT  SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
significantly   significantly   s   si  sig sign    y   ly  tly ntly    BLOCKIN LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
different   different   d   di  dif diff    t   nt  ent rent    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
view    view    v   vi  vie view    w   ew  iew view    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
see see s   se  see see e   ee  see see BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
alse    alse    a   al  als alse    e   se  lse alse    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Henry   henry   H   He  Hen Henr    y   ry  nry enry    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Sidgwick    sidgwick    S   Si  Sid Sidg    k   ck  ick wick    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
The the T   Th  The The e   he  The The BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Methods methods M   Me  Met Meth    s   ds  ods hods    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Eehics  eehics  E   Ee  Eeh Eehi    s   cs  ics hics    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKEND    LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
gtk gtk g   gt  gtk gtk k   tk  gtk gtk BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    LOWERFONT   0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
edn edn e   ed  edn edn n   dn  edn edn BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
(   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   OPENBRACKET 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Landon  landon  L   La  Lan Land    n   on  don ndon    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
29093   29093   2   29  290 2909    3   93  093 9093    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Pp  pp  P   Pp  Pp  Pp  p   Pp  Pp  Pp  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   HYPHEN  6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
4g3 4g3 4   4g  4g3 4g3 3   g3  4g3 4g3 BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  CONTAINSDIGITS  0   NOPUNCT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKEND    LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   9   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
91  91  9   91  91  91  1   91  91  91  BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    HIGHERFONT  0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    0   NOPUNCT 6   11  1   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
207 207 2   20  207 207 7   07  207 207 BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    HIGHERFONT  0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    0   NOPUNCT 6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Fomine  fomine  F   Fo  Fom Fomi    e   ne  ine mine    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Affluence   affluence   A   Af  Aff Affl    e   ce  nce ence    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKEND    LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   1   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Morality    morality    M   Mo  Mor Mora    y   ty  ity lity    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    LOWERFONT   0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
essential   essential   e   es  ess esse    l   al  ial tial    BLOCKSTART  LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
prevent prevent p   pr  pre prev    t   nt  ent vent    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
violations  violations  v   vi  vio viol    s   ns  ons ions    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
norms   norms   n   no  nor norm    s   ms  rms orms    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
against against a   ag  aga agai    t   st  nst inst    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
killing killing k   ki  kil kill    g   ng  ing ling    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
stealing    stealing    s   st  ste stea    g   ng  ing ling    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
and and a   an  and and d   nd  and and BLOCKIN LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   2   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
90  90  9   90  90  90  0   90  90  90  BLOCKIN LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  ALLDIGIT    0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
on  on  o   on  on  on  n   on  on  on  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   DOT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
It  it  I   It  It  It  t   It  It  It  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
is  is  i   is  is  is  s   is  is  is  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
quite   quite   q   qu  qui quit    e   te  ite uite    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
Inessentlal inessentlal I   In  Ine Ines    l   al  lal tlal    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   INITCAP NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
however however h   ho  how howe    r   er  ver ever    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
to  to  t   to  to  to  o   to  to  to  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
help    help    h   he  hel help    p   lp  elp help    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
peaple  peaple  p   pe  pea peap    e   le  ple aple    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
outside outside o   ou  out outs    e   de  ide side    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
one one o   on  one one e   ne  one one BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
'   '   '   '   '   '   '   '   '   '   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   QUOTE   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
s   s   s   s   s   s   s   s   s   s   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 1   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   BLOCKIN LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   PUNCT   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
society society s   so  soc soci    y   ty  ety iety    BLOCKIN LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKEND    LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <table>
this    this    t   th  thi this    s   is  his this    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
is  is  i   is  is  is  s   is  is  is  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
an  an  a   an  an  an  n   an  an  an  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
explanation explanation e   ex  exp expl    n   on  ion tion    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
of  of  o   of  of  of  f   of  of  of  BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
our our o   ou  our our r   ur  our our BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
common  common  c   co  com comm    n   on  mon mmon    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
distinction distinction d   di  dis dist    n   on  ion tion    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
between between b   be  bet betw    n   en  een ween    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
duty    duty    d   du  dut duty    y   ty  uty duty    BLOCKIN LINEEND ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
ard ard a   ar  ard ard d   rd  ard ard BLOCKIN LINESTART   ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
supererogation  supererogation  s   su  sup supe    n   on  ion tion    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
however however h   ho  how howe    r   er  ver ever    BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   NOCAPS  NODIGIT 0   NOPUNCT 6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>
,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   BLOCKIN LINEIN  ALIGNEDLEFT SAMEFONT    SAMEFONTSIZE    0   0   ALLCAP  NODIGIT 1   COMMA   6   3   0   UNKNOWN 0   0   <paragraph>

There there is a WIP PR #963 from @kermitt2 which aims to solve this issue and many other related to tables and figure recognition.

Due to scarce time availability the PR has not moved forward too much (plus might need some updates).