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I want to place short limit order instead of long limit order for the same price #1124

Closed MazeBraker closed 6 months ago

MazeBraker commented 6 months ago

Hello, could you please help me, I'm not sure where is the problem.

I want to place short limit order instead of long limit order for the same price and at the same time. So It's basically should change direction of a trade, but for now it doesn't work that way.

I calculate limit_price_long... It's less than current close price order_long =, limit=limit_price_long) And now I want to convert my order into short order_short = self.sell(size=self.trade_size, limit=limit_price_long)

after that I calculate tp

for trade in self.trades:
    if trade.is_long: = tp_price
    elif trade.is_short: = tp_price

Here are screenshots of long


and of short


completely different entry points

What can I change in the code so I can reverse long into short or short into long but at the same entry points

Chichostyle commented 6 months ago

Lets see if i get it right, but first lets define whats what,

A long limit order is placed when you expect the price to rise above the limit price after your purchase. You're buying with the expectation of selling at a higher price later.

A short limit order involves selling at the limit price with the expectation that you can buy back the asset at a lower price in the future. Short selling aims at profiting from the decline in the asset's price.

The issue i can probably see in the code is when placing a short limit order by just using the .sell() function and passing the same limit_price_long as the price, you're attempting to open a short position at a price that is less than the current market price. This is conceptually the same as a long limit order because a sell limit order aims to sell at a price higher than the current market price, not lower.

maybe something like this should work

# Assuming limit_price_short is calculated correctly and is above the current market price
order_short = self.sell(size=self.trade_size, limit=limit_price_short)

# Now, calculate tp for both long and short positions
for trade in self.trades:
    if trade.is_long: = tp_price_long  # Ensure this is above your entry for long
    elif trade.is_short: = tp_price_short  # Ensure this is below your entry for short
MazeBraker commented 6 months ago

I'm trying to play against market trend. So yes I want to place an order long or short with the determinant price, even the current price is less or higher. If I place limit order, but current price is less than expected (or higher) is executes straight away. I discovered that there are stop-limit orders and now it works

 order_short = self.sell(size=self.trade_size, stop=limit_price_long, limit=limit_price_long) ==
 order_long =,  stop=limit_price_long, limit=limit_price_long)

but entry prices are still a little bit different, not sure why. I didn't place any tp, sl level here

Size  EntryBar  ExitBar   EntryPrice  ExitPrice          PnL  ReturnPct  \
8     1      2906    27322  2287.173831    3585.46  1298.286169   0.567638   
7     1      5713    27322  2169.623927    3585.46  1415.836073   0.652572   
6     1      9650    27322  2200.865225    3585.46  1384.594775   0.629114   
5     1     10101    27322  2226.207870    3585.46  1359.252130   0.610568   
4     1     21484    27322  2593.182104    3585.46   992.277896   0.382649   
3     1     22358    27322  2752.453069    3585.46   833.006931   0.302642   
2     1     25842    27322  3277.345012    3585.46   308.114988   0.094014   
1     1     26132    27322  3373.465502    3585.46   211.994498   0.062842   
0     1     26873    27322  3362.545455    3585.46   222.914545   0.066293   

Size  EntryBar  ExitBar   EntryPrice  ExitPrice          PnL  ReturnPct  \
8    -1      2906    27322  2285.344823    3585.46 -1300.115177  -0.568892   
7    -1      5713    27322  2167.888922    3585.46 -1417.571078  -0.653895   
6    -1      9650    27322  2199.105236    3585.46 -1386.354764  -0.630418   
5    -1     10101    27322  2224.427616    3585.46 -1361.032384  -0.611857   
4    -1     21484    27322  2591.108388    3585.46  -994.351612  -0.383755   
3    -1     22358    27322  2750.251987    3585.46  -835.208013  -0.303684   
2    -1     25842    27322  3274.724185    3585.46  -310.735815  -0.094889   
1    -1     26132    27322  3370.767808    3585.46  -214.692192  -0.063692   
0    -1     26873    27322  3359.856495    3585.46  -225.603505  -0.067147   

The same goes with tp/sl. If now is better price, than tp's it order executes at the next candle. So to close long/short at the same time I should invert tp-sl

for trade in self.trades:
    if trade.is_long: = price
    elif trade.is_short: = price
  Size  EntryBar  ExitBar   EntryPrice  ExitPrice        PnL  ReturnPct  \
0     1      2906     2923  2287.173831  2247.0990 -40.074831  -0.017522   
1     1      5713     5726  2169.623927  2190.5855  20.961573   0.009661   
2     1      9650     9666  2200.865225  2222.6290  21.763775   0.009889   
3     1     10101    10116  2226.207870  2242.8200  16.612130   0.007462   
4     1     21484    21491  2593.182104  2641.1740  47.991896   0.018507   
5     1     22358    22369  2752.453069  2787.5600  35.106931   0.012755   
6     1     25842    25860  3277.345012  3321.9190  44.573988   0.013601   
7     1     26132    26152  3373.465502  3377.4735   4.007998   0.001188   
8     1     26873    26886  3362.545455  3394.7985  32.253045   0.009592   

   Size  EntryBar  ExitBar   EntryPrice  ExitPrice        PnL  ReturnPct  \
0    -1      2906     2923  2285.344823  2247.0990  38.245823   0.016735   
1    -1      5713     5726  2167.888922  2190.5855 -22.696578  -0.010469   
2    -1      9650     9666  2199.105236  2222.6290 -23.523764  -0.010697   
3    -1     10101    10116  2224.427616  2242.8200 -18.392384  -0.008268   
4    -1     21484    21491  2591.108388  2641.1740 -50.065612  -0.019322   
5    -1     22358    22369  2750.251987  2787.5600 -37.308013  -0.013565   
6    -1     25842    25860  3274.724185  3321.9190 -47.194815  -0.014412   
7    -1     26132    26152  3370.767808  3377.4735  -6.705692  -0.001989   
8    -1     26873    26886  3359.856495  3394.7985 -34.942005  -0.010400