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Friendly Note Regarding Your GitHub & backtesting Profile Picture #1139

Open mboiman opened 2 months ago

mboiman commented 2 months ago

Hello @kernc,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out and share a concern regarding your GitHub profile picture. It appears to unintentionally resemble a swastika, which can be quite sensitive due to its historical connotations.

Given the potential for misunderstanding, I kindly suggest considering a change to your profile picture. This would likely present a more positive image and help avoid any unintended associations.

Thank you for understanding, and if there’s anything I can assist with regarding this matter, please let me know.

Best regards,


Immortality-IMT commented 1 month ago

The symbol is used in many cultures, open your mind mboiman. Stop drinking the cool aid.

mboiman commented 1 month ago

Hello @Immortality-IMT and @kernc,

I appreciate your point about the symbol being used in various cultures. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that for many people, especially in the Western world, this symbol is closely linked with very negative historical events, specifically the atrocities committed during the Nazi era.

Simply pointing out that other cultures use the symbol isn’t enough to counteract the strong negative associations it has for many people. It’s important to be considerate of the impact such symbols can have and the painful memories they might evoke.

This isn’t about “opening your mind.” In fact, having an open mind means understanding and respecting why such symbols can be hurtful and controversial to others.

I hope this clarifies the concern and helps maintain a respectful discussion.

cpconner commented 1 month ago

@kernc can you block @mboiman or can I block him or can I block #1139? I'm new to github, and I didn't come here for this.

ironhak commented 1 month ago

@kernc can you block @mboiman or can I block him or can I block #1139? I'm new to github, and I didn't come here for this.
