Member IDs must be in the correct format (comma-delineated strings) AND each member ID must correspond to an existing member. (This entire validation will be unnecessary once #30 is completed.)
Validate these on Save.
If all validations pass and the save is successful, there should be an alert below the Save button saying:
a. for create: "Your group has been created! [View your group.] (with link to the group's View page)"
b. for edit: "Your changes have been saved! [View your group.] (ditto)"
If any validations fail:
a. There should be an alert below the Save button saying: "Something went wrong. Check for errors above."
b. There should be a message below each failing field specifying what the problem is.
If all validations pass but the save fails for any reason, there should be an alert saying: "Something went wrong." with the error message appended if there is one.
Additionally, gray out and disable the Save button while waiting for the save.
See the Adventures create/edit form (ProjectForm) for examples of all of the above, including per-field validations and validation messages, success and error alerts, how to link to the new entity's page, and disabling the Save button.
In the Groups app create/edit form:
Validate these on Save.
Additionally, gray out and disable the Save button while waiting for the save.
See the Adventures create/edit form (
) for examples of all of the above, including per-field validations and validation messages, success and error alerts, how to link to the new entity's page, and disabling the Save button.