kernelsauce / turbo

Turbo is a framework built for LuaJIT 2 to simplify the task of building fast and scalable network applications. It uses a event-driven, non-blocking, no thread design to deliver excellent performance and minimal footprint to high-load applications while also providing excellent support for embedded uses.
Apache License 2.0
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Question: conection to MariaDB and Redis #301

Closed GeorgeVV closed 7 years ago

GeorgeVV commented 7 years ago

Hello John, I've installed the turbo lua and I've done some tests. All is ok but It is important to have un conection to Redis and MariaDB.
What I can connect turbo to MariaDB and Redis ?. I see that there is a module for Turbo: turboredis but it is unmanteined. My idea is to use redis-lua (author : Daniele Alessandri) because I've done some tests with this and it works. Can I use redis-lua for example ?.

 Thank you for your advice.
kernelsauce commented 7 years ago

Yes, you can use any modules you like :).

GeorgeVV commented 7 years ago

Thank you!.

Finally I use redis and luasql.mysql

local redis = require('redis') local luasql= require('luasql.mysql') ...

I have had some problems (with luajit, luarocks); I had two versions of Lua installed in my Linux. Now, I have 5.1.5 only. It works !.