kernitus / BukkitOldCombatMechanics

Spigot plugin to configure combat mechanics from 1.9 onwards
Mozilla Public License 2.0
160 stars 70 forks source link

Snowgolem throwing snowball into boat throws errors #677

Closed cnie109 closed 6 months ago

cnie109 commented 11 months ago


[14:37:21 ERROR]: Could not pass event ProjectileHitEvent to OCM-OG v1.0
java.lang.ClassCastException: null
[14:37:22 ERROR]: Could not pass event ProjectileHitEvent to OCM-OG v1.0
java.lang.ClassCastException: null
[14:37:23 ERROR]: Could not pass event ProjectileHitEvent to OCM-OG v1.0
java.lang.ClassCastException: null

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# ############# OldCombatMechanics Plugin by kernitus and Rayzr522 ##########
#                                                                           #
# Bukkit Page:     #
# Spigot Page: #
# GitHub Page:        #
#                                                                           #
# ###########################################################################

# When this is set to 'true', the 'worlds' section under each module config will represent worlds that the feature is disabled in
# When this is set to 'false', the 'worlds' section under each module config will represent worlds that the feature is enabled in
worlds-is-blacklist: false

# To use the per-world feature you must specify a list of worlds in square brackets []
# If empty, will be enabled in all worlds.
# Otherwise, it acts as whitelist / blacklist (as per the global 'worlds-is-blacklist' setting, see above).
# --- Example #1: this will enable 'disable-sword-seep' exclusively in 'world', 'survival', and 'creative'
# worlds-is-blacklist: false
# disable-sword-sweep:
#   enabled: true
#   worlds: [world,survival,creative]
# --- Example #2: this will enable 'disable-sword-seep' in all worlds EXCEPT 'world_nether' & 'world_the_end'
# worlds-is-blacklist: true
# disable-sword-sweep:
#   enabled: true
#   worlds: [world_nether,world_the_end]

    # This is to disable the attack cooldown
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # What to set the attack speed to. Default for 1.9 is 4, at least 40 is needed for no cooldown.
    generic-attack-speed: 40
    message-enabled: "&aAttack cooldown enabled for %player%"
    message-disabled: "&cAttack cooldown disabled for %player%"
    message-usage: "Usage: &7/ocm toggle [player] [on/off]"

    # This is to disable player collisions
    # This is now compatible with scoreboard and tablist-editing plugins
    enabled: false
    worlds: []

    # This is to disable the sword sweep attack
    # Particle effect is also now removed
    enabled: true
    worlds: []

    enabled: false
    worlds: []
    # The sounds that will be blocked by this module
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.strong"
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.sweep"
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.nodamage"
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.knockback"
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.crit"
        - "minecraft:entity.player.attack.weak"

    # Disable the crafting of specified items
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # List of denied items
        - shield
    # Show the user a message if they try to craft a blacklisted item
    showMessage: true
    message: "&cYou cannot craft that item!"

    # Disable the usage of the offhand
    # Won't affect sword-blocking module
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # Whether the following list allows items or blocks them
    whitelist: true
    # List of items that should be allowed/blocked
    # Example: [diamond_sword,BOW]
    items: []

    # Automatically refuels brewing stands
    enabled: true
    worlds: []

    # Automatically adds lapis to enchantment tables upon opening
    enabled: false
    worlds: []
    # Whether to only allow this for players with oldcombatmechanics.nolapis permission
    usePermission: false

    # Do not allow players to wear elytra
    enabled: false
    worlds: []

    # Disables enderpearl cooldown
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # The cooldown, in seconds
    cooldown: 0
    # Show the user a message if they try to use an enderpearl and the cooldown has not expired yet
    showMessage: true
    message: "&cYou must wait &7%ds&c before using an enderpearl again!"

    # This is to set the tool damage as in pre-1.9
    # IMPORTANT: Also enable disable-sword-sweep module or sweeps will have the damage value of the weapon in hand
    # NOTE: this will modify the damage, however on the item tooltip it will still show the 1.9+ damage
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # Use old sharpness calculations, i.e. each level adds 1.25 damage
    # In 1.9+, sharpness adds 1 + 0.5 * level damage
    old-sharpness: true
    # Damage values shown in 1.9 representation (actual damage)
    # In 1.8 the damage tooltip value would be added to 1 'base damage', yielding the values below
        # Axe damages
        GOLD_AXE: 4
        WOOD_AXE: 4
        STONE_AXE: 5
        IRON_AXE: 6
        DIAMOND_AXE: 7
        NETHERITE_AXE: 8
        # Shovel damages
        GOLD_SPADE: 2
        WOOD_SPADE: 2
        STONE_SPADE: 3
        IRON_SPADE: 4
        DIAMOND_SPADE: 5
        # Sword damages
        GOLD_SWORD: 5
        WOOD_SWORD: 5
        STONE_SWORD: 6
        IRON_SWORD: 7
        DIAMOND_SWORD: 8
        # Pickaxe damages
        GOLD_PICKAXE: 3
        WOOD_PICKAXE: 3
        STONE_PICKAXE: 4
        IRON_PICKAXE: 5
        # Hoe damages
        GOLD_HOE: 1
        WOOD_HOE: 1
        STONE_HOE: 1
        IRON_HOE: 1
        DIAMOND_HOE: 1
        NETHERITE_HOE: 1

    # This is to allow players to block with swords again, by getting a shield while they hold right click with a sword
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # How often, in ticks, OCM should check if the player is still blocking with a shield, and remove it if not
    # If this is too fast the player will have their shield disappear before they're able to block again causing a slight delay
    # If this is too slow players will have a shield in their hand well after they've stopped blocking
    # 20 ticks = 1 second
    restoreDelay: 40
    # List of items that holding in the offhand while right-clicking with a sword doesn't trigger blocking e.g. bow
    noBlockingItems: []
    # Whether the above list should act as a blacklist (i.e. only items listed stop the blocking mechanic)
    blacklist: true
    # Whether to require players to have oldcombatmechanics.swordblock permission to block with a sword
    use-permission: false

    # This module allows changing the damage reduction behaviour of shields
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # How much damage blocking should reduce
    # Firstly, amount is subtracted, them value is reduced to percentage
    # 1.8 default: (damage - 1) * 50%    1.9 default: 33%   1.11 default: 0%
    # Damage reduction = (damage - damageReductionAmount) * damageReductionPercentage / 100
    generalDamageReductionAmount: 1
    generalDamageReductionPercentage: 50
    # This value works the same but is exclusively for projectile damage
    # Set amount to 0 and percentage to 100 for 1.8 behaviour, i.e. arrows go through shields
    projectileDamageReductionAmount: 1
    projectileDamageReductionPercentage: 50

    # This is to change the behaviour / crafting of golden apples to how it was in pre-1.9
    # WARNING: If on 1.12 or above and you disable this module you must reload the server for the recipe to disappear
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # Cooldown between eating the apples, in seconds
        # The cooldown for normal golden apples
        normal: 0
        # Message when user tries to eat golden apple during cooldown. Leave empty to disable.
        message-normal: "&ePlease wait %seconds%s before eating another golden apple."
        # The cooldown for enchanted golden apples
        enchanted: 0
        # Message when user tries to eat enchanted golden apple during cooldown. Leave empty to disable.
        message-enchanted: "&ePlease wait %seconds%s before eating another enchanted golden apple."
        # Whether the two apple types share a cooldown.
        # If this is true:
        #   1. Eating any apple resets both cooldowns
        #   2. Each apple type can only be eaten when its cooldown time is over
        #      This means that when you eat *any* apple you start two parallel cooldowns: One for enchanted and one
        #      for normal apples. Each type can only be eaten when its cooldown is over.
        #      Once any apple is eaten, both cooldowns are restarted, so you can not eat either type again
        #      before its full cooldown is over.
        #   3. To have the plugin treat normal and enchanted golden apples as having the same cooldown,
        #      then set the same cooldown time and enable shared mode. (This was the old mode)
        # If this is false:
        #   Eating an enchanted apple will prevent any *enchanted* apple type from being eaten before the cooldown is over
        #   Eating a normal apple will prevent any *normal* apple type from being eaten before the normal cooldown is over
        is-shared: false
    # If you want to allow enchanted golden apple crafting
    enchanted-golden-apple-crafting: true
    # Enabling this makes the potion effects gained by eating golden apples
    # and enchanted golden apples the same as it was in pre-1.9
    old-potion-effects: true
    # Potion effects golden apples should apply
    # Duration is in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
    # Amplifier is the potion level - 1, so Regeneration IV would be amplifier 3
            duration: 100
            amplifier: 1
            duration: 2400
            amplifier: 0
    # Potion effects enchanted golden apples should apply
            duration: 600
            amplifier: 4
            duration: 6000
            amplifier: 0
            duration: 6000
            amplifier: 0
            duration: 2400
            amplifier: 0
    # Enable this if you have another plugin which adds a crafting recipe for
    # enchanted golden apples (requires server restart)
    no-conflict-mode: false

    # This is to make the knockback of players when they get hit by a fishing bobber the same as it was in pre-1.9
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # This makes OCM check if other plugins are stopping the rod damage and follow their choice
    # Set to false to always have rod damage
    checkCancelled: false
    # This is the damage done by the fishing rod attack
    damage: 0.0001
    # Whether the EntityDamageEvent should be used instead of the EntityDamageByEntityEvent
    # Set to true when using plugins like NCP that check range
    useEntityDamageEvent: false
    # This is to cancel dragging in the entity attached to the fishing rod when reeling in, like in 1.8
    # Options: all, players, mobs, none. players allows compatibility with WorldGuard pvp-deny regions
    cancelDraggingIn: players
    # Whether to also give knockback on non-player living entities (e.g. mobs)
    knockbackNonPlayerEntities: false
    # This is the delay in milliseconds in-between rod damage, so the player hit has time to fall back down
    hitCooldown: 1000

    # In 1.9+ fishing rods go 8 blocks instead of 12 blocks
    # This is due to both gravity and initial launch speed
    # Set to true to revert back to the old calculations and gravity
    enabled: true
    worlds: []

    # This adds knockback and/or damage to players when they get hit by snowballs, eggs & enderpearls
    # This has been a Bukkit bug for so long people thought it was vanilla when it was recently patched
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # This is the damage done by each projectile
        snowball: 0.0001
        egg: 0.0001
        ender_pearl: 0.0001

    # This is to change knockback players receive from attacks.  Default values are as in 1.8.
    # Practice servers tend to use lower knockback, for example:
    # knockback-horizontal: 0.35
    # knockback-vertical: 0.35
    # knockback-vertical-limit: 0.4
    # knockback-extra-horizontal: 0.425
    # knockback-extra-vertical: 0.085
    # Minigame servers use higher vertical knockback and lower horizontal knockback, exact values are unknown.
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # Horizontal knockback is reduced by 40% for every successful attack by the player, with no limit
    # Increase to make clicking more important, decrease to make it less important
    knockback-horizontal: 0.4
    # Vertical knockback is not reduced by clicking faster
    # Increase to make clicking less important, decrease to make clicking more important
    knockback-vertical: 0.4
    # Vertical knockback limit is applied after base vertical knockback
    # This limit can be exceeded by sprint hitting or knockback enchantments, from the extra vertical knockback
    knockback-vertical-limit: 0.4
    # Extra horizontal knockback is applied for each level of knockback enchant, and for sprinting
    # Increase to make sprint resetting (w-tapping) more important, decrease to make it less important
    # Increase to make clicking more important, decrease to make clicking less important
    knockback-extra-horizontal: 0.5
    # Extra vertical knockback is applied for each level of knockback enchant, and for sprinting
    # Increase to make sprint resetting (w-tapping) more important, decrease to make it less important
    # Increase to make clicking less important, decrease to make clicking more important
    knockback-extra-vertical: 0.1
    # Should knockback resistance be enabled? (e.g. netherite armour knockback resistance)
    enable-knockback-resistance: false

    # This is to make players' regeneration act mostly like it did in pre-1.9
    # Based on
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # How often a player should regenerate health, in milliseconds (In 1.8: 4 seconds)
    # The foodTickerTimer might not be perfectly accurate so we give it ~10ms of leeway
    interval: 3990
    # How many half-hearts the player should heal by, every seconds specified above
    amount: 1
    # How much exhaustion the player should get from healing. In 1.8: 3    In 1.9: 4    In 1.11: 6
    # If, after adding this, Minecraft finds the value is above 4, it subtracts 4
    # and either reduces saturation or, if saturation is 0, reduces food level by 1 (1/2 a stick)
    exhaustion: 3

    # This is to make armour calculations like in 1.8
    # Based on this:
    enabled: true
    worlds: []

    # This makes armour take a constant amount of durability damage (except for explosions)
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # By how much to reduce durability every attack. 1.8 default is 1
    reduction: 1

    # This is to remove projectile randomness while firing arrows with a bow
    # This is actually a very old feature and has been in the game for quite some time
    enabled: false
    worlds: []
    # This is the threshold between projectiles' (X,Z) values before they're considered the same and straightened
    # This value is only useful for multishot. The default of 0.1 works at all but extremely shallow angles,
    # where arrows end up bunched together. Set to 1 if you want multishots to all follow the same path.
    epsilon: 0.1

    # This is to stop players from boosting themselves forward by hitting themselves
    # while running with a punch II arrow from their bow
    # This module simply stops them from hitting themselves with arrows entirely
    enabled: false
    worlds: []

    # This is to restore the 1.8 potion effects and duration
    enabled: true
    worlds: []

    # DURATION: (in seconds)
        regen: # Regeneration
                base: 45
                II: 22
                extended: 120
                base: 33
                II: 16
                extended: 90

        speed: # Swiftness
                base: 180
                II: 90
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                II: 67
                extended: 360

                base: 180
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                extended: 360

                base: 45
                II: 22
                extended: 120
                base: 33
                II: 16
                extended: 90

                base: 180
                extended: 480
                base: 180
                extended: 480

                base: 90
                extended: 240
                base: 90
                extended: 240

                base: 180
                II: 90
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                II: 67
                extended: 360

                base: 90
                extended: 240
                base: 67
                extended: 180

        jump: # Leaping
                base: 180
                II: 90
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                II: 67
                extended: 360

                base: 180
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                extended: 360

                base: 180
                extended: 480
                base: 135
                extended: 360

        # 1.9+ potions
        # Turtle Master potion currently incompatible, will just work like default
                base: 300
                base: 300

                base: 90
                extended: 240
                base: 90
                extended: 240

    # If 'multiplier' is true value is multiplied by base tool damage. If 'addend' it is added.
    # If both true, it is first increased by 1 then multiplied (same as +xx%)
    # Strength potion
    # 1.9: I = +3; II = +6;    1.8: I = +130%; II = +260%
        modifier: 1.3
        multiplier: true
        addend: true
    # Weakness potion
    # 1.9 value: -4   1.8 value: -0.5
        modifier: -0.5
        multiplier: false

    # This makes the chorus fruit behaviour configurable
    enabled: false
    worlds: []
    # The maximum distance the fruit can teleport the player. This a PER AXIS value, so this outlines a cube with
    # 2 * max-teleportation-distance as the side length
    # Vanilla default is 8.
    # Setting this to 0 disables chorus fruit teleport.
    # Setting this to a value greater than 8 MIGHT CAUSE CONFLICTS with bukkit's internal anti cheat
    # and *potentially* any other anti-cheat you use. Please make sure this is not an issue before increasing
    # this value.
    max-teleportation-distance: 8
    # Whether to prevent eating the fruit completely. This also prevents the teleportation.
    prevent-eating: false
    # The saturation value of the chorus fruit.
    # Vanilla default is 2.4
    saturation-value: 2.4
    # The hunger value of the chorus fruit.
    # Vanilla default is 4 (2 bars)
    hunger-value: 4

    # This makes it so entities will immediately start to burn when entering fire
    enabled: false
    worlds: []
    # How long, in ticks, entities should be on fire for after not being in direct contact anymore
    fire-ticks: 120

    # Allows changing the player invulnerability between hits
    enabled: true
    worlds: []
    # The hit delay to apply. Default for 1.9+ is 20 ticks (1 second)
    playerDelay: 18
    mobDelay: 16

    # Makes critical hits work like in 1.8
    # With a critical hit, the damage will be multiplied by 1.5
    # In 1.9, the user must also not be sprinting for it to be a crit
    enabled: true
    world: []
    # What the damage, after applying potions effects, is multiplied by
    multiplier: 1.5
    # Whether to allow crits while sprinting. 1.8: true, 1.9: false
    allow-sprinting: true

# ########################
# ########################
    spartan-cancel-ticks: 1

# ########################
# ########################

# This is to toggle the update checker
    # Whether to check for updates and notify players with the oldcombatmechanics.notify permission
    enabled: true
    # Whether to automatically download an update of the plugin
    # The update is applied on the next restart/reload of the server
    # Auto update is disabled if Spigot version is below 1.18.1 and force-below-1-18-1-config-upgrade is false
    # This is to prevent accidentally resetting the config
    auto-update: true

# Whether to force config upgrade even in Spigot versions below 1.18.1
# This is not advised, as all the comments would be removed
force-below-1-18-1-config-upgrade: false

# This enables command argument completion when pressing tab
    enabled: true

# This enables debug messages, only enable when troubleshooting
    enabled: false

config-version: 57

Problem Description

When a snowgolem throws a snowball into a boat, the above error is thrown.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Put a snowgolem in a boat 2. Put a silverfish in a boat 2 blocks away from the snowgolem's boat. 3. The snowgolem will shoot at the silverfish, but hit the boat instead. ### Expected Behaviour

The snowgolem hits the boat, and nothing happens.

Actual Behaviour

The above error is thrown when the snowgolem hits the boat.

kernitus commented 6 months ago
  1. I cannot reproduce this error at all.
  2. I have no idea what OCM-OG v1.0 is but it is definitely not this plugin.
  3. Regardless, I have added some extra checks to the fishing knockback module which should prevent such issues.