keroserene / snowflake

WebRTC Pluggable Transport - the original snowflake repo
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Discussion: libp2p expansion. #49

Closed cheako closed 2 years ago

cheako commented 2 years ago

I've always wanted to spin up my own p2p networks. Perhaps you don't agree that anyone should be able to share in one network with islands for each client program. I believe tor is mutually benifitial to this goal. I've studied arti and am sad that it doesn't yet support the full for protocol. It looks like there just may be enough there to leach off of tor bridges. That's not the kind of good natured application I'm interested in.

The libp2p supporters seem uninterested in anything other then a software as a service model. They are uninterested in any p2p network that could stand on it's own.

I believe snowflake is a great answer. I just looked at the broker and it's usable, but could better support the islands I dream of.

The kind of application I would build is for playing cards/chess, message boards and sharing doom demo files/high scoores. Much like with snowflake users would try and be connected all the time, but some would connect for a few hours every day.

The problem tor solves is nat traversal. It would be nice if bootstrapping was also available. At the start of each network there is only one or two nodes. libp2p solves this problem with a "global" DHT, with each program supporting this DHT even if there is only one client connecting there will be nodes running a completely different program but they will serve out the DHT with data from a host that may be offline ATM.

If snowflake tried to match up clients based on what libp2p protocalls offered, that would be hugely helpful.

I envision a future where libp2p clients expand tor DHT and network in exchange for being a rally point for begginer p2p networks.

cheako commented 2 years ago