is there a way to obtain the per-image volume-rendered 2d feature fields during test time? Seems that outputs["clip"] = self.renderer_clip(...) outputs the per-ray feature which don't necessarily add up to a whole image right? Is there any part of the LERF codebase where I have access to the whole HxWxEmb_size tensor per each frame or do I need to dig into the NerfStudio code for this?
is there a way to obtain the per-image volume-rendered 2d feature fields during test time? Seems that
outputs["clip"] = self.renderer_clip(...)
outputs the per-ray feature which don't necessarily add up to a whole image right? Is there any part of the LERF codebase where I have access to the whole HxWxEmb_size tensor per each frame or do I need to dig into the NerfStudio code for this?Thanks,