kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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Port conflict with any UPNP server #35

Open fluffypony opened 7 years ago

fluffypony commented 7 years ago

I run AirServer Universal on my media centre PC, which hogs port 5000, as it's the standard UPNP port (so it's used for auto-discovery by the protocols AirServer uses).

Unfortunately, ScreenBloom provides neither a command-line option to set the port, nor does it use an ostensibly-unused port. It also doesn't handle the failure - it appears to have started just fine, but since the HTTP call just never returns the browser sits with a blank window, waiting for a response.

I would recommend either picking a port not already in use by a major protocol (here's the GRC port DB entry for port 5000, and the SpeedGuide entry for port 5000), or at least handle a port conflict better than silently failing but appearing to be running.

My python-fu is, unfortunately, quite weak otherwise I'd do the latter myself and submit a PR, and I don't want to make a major change (like the default port) on someone else's project:) Thanks for the excellent work!

kershner commented 7 years ago

Hey there! I wonder what version of ScreenBloom you're running? I can't remember when I introduced it, but there is definitely handling for port collision in the latest version.

Check this guy out:

If a socket error is encountered it should just increment the port until it can connect.

fluffypony commented 7 years ago

@kershner I'm running 2.2, downloaded a few days ago, so it should be current.

netstat -a -b definitely shows AirServer.exe listening on port 5000, and killing AirServer.exe makes ScreenBloom work just fine.

kershner commented 7 years ago

Well that's annoying, haha. socket.error totally catches port collisions like that on Windows. I'll add this to the list of things to investigate. Thanks for bringing it up!

fluffypony commented 7 years ago

No problem, let me know if I can help test anything:)