kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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First time install hangs on Mac OS X Sierra #44

Open humanthrope opened 7 years ago

humanthrope commented 7 years ago

Newly installed version 2.2, so there's no configuration file, AFAIK. After double clicking the icon Safari (or Firefox) launches and attempts to go to 'http://[my ip]:5000/new-user'. It never connects. Right-clicking the dock icon shows that the application is not responding and needs to be force quit.

Running the app from the terminal only shows the following output.

`$ ./

0:47: execution error: "http://[my ip]:5000/new-user" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)`

kershner commented 7 years ago

Hey there,

The Mac version is a bit hacky so the application will always say that it's "Not Responding." It's still working even though it says that.

From what you're telling me here I'm thinking that maybe there is some delay between the server starting which is causing it to not be responding when it automatically calls your browser to open the URL.

Two things to try:

  1. After you launch ScreenBloom, just wait for a little bit to ensure the server is able to fully boot up. After a few moments, try to hit the /new-user route again.
  2. You can run ScreenBloom with the Python console visible to try and capture any error messages being output. To run with the console up: right click the package, click Open Package Contents, navigate to the MacOS/Content folder (I think that's it) and find the screenbloom.exec file. Run that file and try to register. Send me any error output it spits out.
humanthrope commented 7 years ago

I did a little more poking around and found that both of the macs on which I tried to run screenbloom had something already listening on port 5000. It looks like the code that increments the port and listens for http requests doesn't update the launched url with the right port. If I manually go to http://localhost:5001/new-user, it works.

Edit: It appears that having screenbloom on a port other than 5000 prevents it from doing things such as being able to register with the hub. As soon as I killed the port 5000 service, and relaunched screenbloom, it was able to register.

kershner commented 7 years ago

Oh OK, this is great information. I think I understand what the problem might be. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, should be able to get a fix out at some point.

19wolf commented 6 years ago

I had this issue. I'm not sure why it's running on 5000 and 5001, but the auto connect to 5000 didn't work, but 5001 did.