kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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Error On Startup #49

Open nanospork opened 6 years ago

nanospork commented 6 years ago

I'm getting a strange error on startup. If I uninstall and re-install, it fixes it temporarily, but then it comes back later. Not sure if it comes back after restart or just some amount of time (as if an IP address change.)


edit: Looking at the config file, the "current_preset" key does not have a value corresponding to it. The line just looks like this:

current_preset =

Given the name of the method mentioned in the error above (update_presets_if_necessary) perhaps this is the source of the error?

I confirmed that the issue was not the IP, as the IP in the config matches the IP of my bridge.

If I intentionally corrupt/remove the config file, everything works fine... for now. (Didn't try that before because I didn't know where it was, but I found it.)

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey there! It's a problem with the screenBloom_presets.json file. I've noticed this error a few times on my end as well. It happens after an update to your Hue configuration, like adding a new light or switching bridges. ScreenBloom tries its best to update your presets file after changes to your Hue setup but I'm clearly missing something for this error to show up.

In any case, deleting your presets file and starting fresh will solve it. If you still have your presets file, it might help for me to take a look, alongside your config file.

nanospork commented 6 years ago



Deleting presets seemed to make it go away as expected.

hemsan commented 6 years ago

Just Delete all the existing preset and then save with new preset thru Screen-bloom Home Page "" then everything will perfectly fine. OR or set the current preset value as "current_preset = Preset 1" in the "screenBloom_config.cfg" file.