kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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Update recognition of newer model IDs #51

Open array92 opened 6 years ago

array92 commented 6 years ago


could you please update the model-detection to support the newer lights? My E14 (LCT012) lights had the wrong color gamut "B" instead of "C" assigned to them. So for anybody else having this problem, open your config file with a text editor and manually change the supported gamut to the correct one.

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey there! Sorry I must've missed this in Github's new UI design.

I haven't updated the gamut dictionary in a long time, so it's probably due for an update. Thanks for bringing this up I will push up an update soon as I can.

array92 commented 6 years ago


just a quick reminder. In case you do not have sufficient time on your hands to do the required changes yourself, I would be very glad if you could add the static files to this repository and or could kindly provide some additional information on how to setup a successful build environment for this project.

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey sorry I've been unresponsive. Been too lazy/busy for ScreenBloom past few weeks.

I've stashed an updated bundle of the production static files here:

To build from the source:

1. Follow the Quickstart Guide. Use the static files linked above.

2. Make sure cx_freeze is installed to your venv, pip install cx_freeze

3. Run setup.bat, modifying the relative paths to the venv and script on your local machine.

Currently compiling a list of small fixes/tweaks for the program and will hopefully have some time in December to knock them all out, this one will definitely be addressed at that time.