kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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Stops working after some time #55

Open Aerinx opened 6 years ago

Aerinx commented 6 years ago

After some time has passed ScreenBloom stops working and the lights are static. Stop and start makes it work again until some time passes and it stops again.

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey there - sorry you're running into an issue. Could I first get some more info about your system and what you're trying to use ScreenBloom with?

Are you able to get ScreenBloom to work continuously under any circumstances?

Aerinx commented 6 years ago

Laptop - i5-4200M 2.5Ghz, 8Gb RAM, Nvidia Geforce 765M and integrated graphics card (changes automatically between the two). Second generation HUE with two color lightbulbs and recently a lightstrip too (happened with and without the lightstrip).

When I tried to connect to the hub the last time I noticed that the connection to the HUB failed a couple of times then connected because the network failed or something else made the connection fail, could it be that if screenbloom drops connection on one try when updating the lights it gets locked out until you stop it and then reconnects on start again? Just speculating here. I'm also connected to two networks at the same time usually, one with the HUB and no internet access and another only for internet, just in case that's relevant. Could be that it stops working when it changes from one graphic card to the other, I'm not sure when it happens if that's the case.