kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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[Feature] option to switch lights off on program exit #57

Open opi4711 opened 6 years ago

opi4711 commented 6 years ago

Hi, it would be nice if there where an option to switch off the lights, on program exit.

Aerinx commented 6 years ago

I use eventghost for this and other similar automatic changes in lights. Just an idea in case you like it.

Kakifrucht commented 6 years ago

I second this idea. Screenbloom currently only stores the light state (brightness and hue) when stopping. Would be nice if it could also keep track of the on/off state.

kershner commented 6 years ago

@Aerinx @Kakifrucht great ideas. I used to have a button to just turn the lights on/off but took it out because I didn't think that functionality was very necessary and just kinda cluttered things up. But this is definitely not the first time since then I've heard that people would like to be able to turn their lights on/off via ScreenBloom.

Currently mulling around a December update to coincide with the Entertainment Update and will figure out a way to fit this in. Returning to the starting on/off state when ScreenBloom is stopped is a no-brainer as well.