kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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Config Option to start ScreenBloom Thread on app start #7

Closed popy2k14 closed 7 years ago

popy2k14 commented 8 years ago

Hey Tyler,

would be a nice addition to add a config parameter to start the ScreenBloom Thread at startup of the app.

Ill want to use ScreenBloom on my HTPC and every time i boot it, ill have to press start on the webinterface. The WAF here is very low :-)

what do you think about this request?

thx Tobias

kershner commented 8 years ago

Hey Tobias,

Yeah this is a good idea and I know others have requested it. Should be pretty straightforward to implement. I've put it on my list for the next release. ScreenBloom will let you know automatically when a new version is available to download so be on the lookout for that. I'll keep this issue open until then.

Thanks for reaching out!

popy2k14 commented 8 years ago

Thx for planing to implement the feature.


kershner commented 7 years ago

Closing as the feature has been added. Great idea.