kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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I'm getting this error on startup =( #71

Closed merket closed 6 years ago

merket commented 6 years ago


duk6046 commented 6 years ago

me too

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey there guys -

I think this error is indicating that something has changed in your Hue bridge lighting config that doesn't match what the ScreenBloom config has. If you just delete your config and re-sync with your bridge everything might be fine.

The config file is located at: c:/Users/<Username>/AppData*/Roaming/screenBloom/ *You'll need to enable 'Show Hidden Files' to see this directory.

Let me know if that ends up solving the issue!

duk6046 commented 6 years ago

thanks, work again