kershner / screenBloom

Fake Ambilight for Philips Hue via Python
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4K Screen Zones Image #85

Open benjaminhallock opened 6 years ago

benjaminhallock commented 6 years ago

Not sure if this is a visual glitch or a missing feature. The "screen zones" only shows a quarter of the screen on my 4k monitor. Not sure if this means the program is only taking that portion of the screen into account, but I don't think this is a DPI issue. 4k

benjaminhallock commented 6 years ago

can confirm the program only works on that section of the screen.

kershner commented 6 years ago

Hey! I think this might be a known issue. Have you tried flipping this flag in the screenbloom.exe compatibility tab? alt text

There is a quirk of one of ScreenBloom's dependencies that can cause some weirdness with high-res displays.

Let me know if that works for ya.

jespertheend commented 4 years ago

It seems like these settings changed a bit since a newer version of windows 10. Clicking the 'Change high DPI settings' button, checking the 'Override high DPI scaling behaviour' checkbox and then selecting 'Application' from the drop down menu fixed it for me.

qserror commented 4 years ago

hey @jespertheend, @benjaminhallock can you send your acutal setting as screenshot? do you have enabled something other option?

jespertheend commented 4 years ago

@qserror better late than never I guess. image I can't test if these settings are actually working though. I got rid of my hue bridge a while back and had to reinstall screenbloom. But from what I remember these were my settings when it was working.