kersing / multitech-installer

Installer for TheThingsNetwork on MultiTech Conduit
MIT License
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Check firmware version before install #5

Closed FokkeZB closed 7 years ago

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

@danicampora reported the following issue:

After starting the ttn-packet-forwarder, I check the logs and I get:

admin@mtcdt:~# tail /var/log/lora-pkt-fwd.log
INFO: Radiostream data is enabled
INFO: Statusstream data is enabled
INFO: Beacon is disabled
INFO: Monitor is disabled
INFO: Contact email configured to ""
INFO: Description configured to "Pycom TTN Playground Gateway"
INFO: Successfully contacted server
INFO: [main] Starting the concentrator
ERROR: Version of calibration firmware not expected, actual:3 expected:2
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

As it turned out he was using a Multitech AEP with firmware version 1.2.2. After upgrading to 1.3.2 it worked.

So, the installer should check the firmware version and point users to if their firmware version is out-dated (or at least before 1.3.x)

kersing commented 7 years ago

I'm not convinced 1.3.2 is required. This error has been reported before and disappeared after a reboot and clean download of the global_conf.json file. Needs testing.

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

So maybe we should at least document how you'd notice you have this issue (other then checking the logs like @danicampora did) and what to do (reboot). How would people notice?

kersing commented 7 years ago

The new installer includes a notice to check the gateway status in the TTN console.