kersing / packet_forwarder

Multi protocol packet forwarder supporting the TTN gateway-connector protocol.
85 stars 56 forks source link

After build on RPI3 failed to start concentrator #9

Closed hallard closed 6 years ago

hallard commented 6 years ago

Hi kersing I've build from scratch on my PI3 with IMST IC880a board on raspbian etcher.

When I launch old packet forwarder all is working fine.

root@ttn-gw02(ro):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ./poly_pkt_fwd
*** Poly Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 2.1.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 3.1.0; Options: native;
INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf, parsing SX1301 parameters
INFO: lorawan_public 1, clksrc 1
INFO: Configuring TX LUT with 16 indexes
INFO: Contact email configured to ""
INFO: Description configured to "ch2i-gw02-ic880a"
INFO: Successfully contacted server
INFO: [main] Starting the concentrator
INFO: [main] concentrator started, radio packets can now be received.
INFO: [up] Thread activated for all servers.
INFO: [down] Thread activated for all server
INFO: [down] for server PULL_ACK received in 368 ms

Now I reset the concentrator with reset script and I launch new mp packet forwarder failed to start concentrator

root@ttn-gw02(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/mp_pkt_fwd# ./mp_pkt_fwd
*** Multi Protocol Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 3.0.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 5.0.1; Options: native;
INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf, parsing SX1301 parameters
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

Ok now try to launch old packet forwarder that was working just before

root@ttn-gw02(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ./poly_pkt_fwd
*** Poly Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 2.1.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 3.1.0; Options: native;
NFO: [main] Starting the concentrator
ERROR: Version of calibration firmware not expected, actual:4 expected:2
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

humm, seems concentrator config has been changed, let's restart with a reset before

root@ttn-gw02(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ./ start
Accessing concentrator reset pin through GPIO17...
root@ttn-gw02(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ./poly_pkt_fwd
*** Poly Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 2.1.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 3.1.0; Options: native;
INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf, parsing SX1301 parameters
...INFO: [main] Starting the concentrator
INFO: [main] concentrator started, radio packets can now be received.
INFO: [up] Thread activated for all servers.
INFO: [down] Thread activated for all server
INFO: [down] for server PULL_ACK received in 375 ms

works fine, so I suspect there is a problem with reset pin and I don't know were to setup it in the new packet forwarder when building it on target ?

Any idea of this problem, maybe it's not reset relatated?

Thanks for your help

For information official TTN binary packet forwarder starts fine also after a reset of the concentrator

root@ttn-gw02(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway# ./packet-forwarder --config .pktfwd.yml start
  INFO Packet Forwarder for LoRa Gateway        HALVersionInfo=Version: 4.0.0; Options: native;
  INFO Reset pin specified, resetting concentrator... ResetPin=17
  INFO Found gateway parameters, getting frequency plans AuthServer= GatewayID=ch2i-                                                   ttn-gw02 URL=
  INFO Refreshed account server information     TokenExpiry=2017-12-19 16:31:26.443866781 +0100 CET
  INFO Connecting to TTN discovery server
  INFO Connected to discovery server - getting router address
  INFO Connecting to router...                  RouterID=ttn-router-eu
  INFO Downlinks queuing routine started
  INFO SX1301 board configured                  ClockSource=1 LorawanPublic=true
  INFO Configured TX Lut                        Indexes=16
  INFO Radio configured                         EnabledTX=true Frequency=867500000 RSSIOffset=-166 Radio=0 Type=SX1257
  INFO Radio configured                         EnabledTX=false Frequency=868500000 RSSIOffset=-166 Radio=1 Type=SX1257
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=-400000 Lora multi-SF channel=0 RFChain=1
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=-200000 Lora multi-SF channel=1 RFChain=1
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=0 Lora multi-SF channel=2 RFChain=1
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=-400000 Lora multi-SF channel=3 RFChain=0
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=-200000 Lora multi-SF channel=4 RFChain=0
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=0 Lora multi-SF channel=5 RFChain=0
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=200000 Lora multi-SF channel=6 RFChain=0
  INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured         Freq=400000 Lora multi-SF channel=7 RFChain=0
  INFO LoRa standard channel configured
  INFO FSK channel configured
  WARN No GPS chip configured, ignoring
  INFO Starting concentrator...                 DateTime=2017-09-17 17:31:27.49858626 +0200 CEST
  INFO Concentrator started, packets can now be received and sent DateTime=2017-09-17 17:31:30.414484019 +0200 CEST
  INFO Waiting for uplink packets
  INFO Waiting for downlink messages
  INFO Received uplink packets                  NbPackets=1
  INFO Determined concentrator boot time        BootTime=2017-09-17 17:31:28.020336475 +0200 CEST
  INFO Sending valid uplink packets             NbValidPackets=1
  INFO Uplink message transmission successful.  CodingRate=4/5 DataRate=SF7BW125 Frequency=867500000 GatewayID=ch2i-ttn-                                                   gw02 Modulation=LORA PayloadSize=21 RSSI=-21 SNR=8
  INFO Received uplink packets                  NbPackets=1
  INFO Sending valid uplink packets             NbValidPackets=1
  INFO Uplink message transmission successful.  CodingRate=4/5 DataRate=SF10BW125 Frequency=868100000 GatewayID=ch2i-ttn                                                   -gw02 Modulation=LORA PayloadSize=21 RSSI=-75 SNR=8.25
  INFO Received uplink packets                  NbPackets=2
  INFO Sending valid uplink packets             NbValidPackets=2
  INFO Uplink message transmission successful.  CodingRate=4/5 DataRate=SF7BW125 Frequency=868300000 GatewayID=ch2i-ttn-gw02 Modulation=LORA PayloadSize=28 RSSI=-31 SNR=9
  INFO Uplink message transmission successful.  CodingRate=4/5 DataRate=SF7BW125 Frequency=868300000 GatewayID=ch2i-ttn-gw02 Modulation=LORA PayloadSize=28 RSSI=-31 SNR=9
  INFO Sending status to the network server     Altitude=110 CpuPercentage=1.578475 FrequencyPlan=EU_863_870 Latitude=46.62585 Load1=0.09 Load15=0 Load5=0.02 Longitude=0.434929 MemoryPercentage=11.510501 RTT=34 RXPacketsReceived=4 RXPacketsValid=4 TXPacketsReceived=0 TXPacketsValid=0 Uptime=17.430026s
kersing commented 6 years ago

1) The MP forwarder does not reset the concentrator. Use the same command sequence used for the poly forwarder to reset. (Should be in the script)

2) There are known issues with all packet forwarders on the RPi3 due to SPI timing not being correct. In my experience if the startup fails it usually works after a few attempts (with reset in between). If it continuously fails you can try the spi_speed branch (requires spi_speed branch of lora_gateway as well!) and specify the SPI speed on the command-line when starting the packet forwarder. To fix the SPI timings check this thread on the TTN forum

hallard commented 6 years ago

Jac Thanks for this helpfull information, I was not aware about SPI because to be honest I never had this problem and I'm using RPI3 (at least on 4 gateways) with my fork of your old packed forwarder. Good to know that reset is not done by your packet forwarder. What is strange is that I've got 3 packet forwarder on this RPI3, 2 works fine (TTN new official, and old poly) only this one has issue with Concentrator. Anyway funny that SPI is wrong, I had same problem with console uart (my plate board has FTDI) and I already set core_freq=250 and set_turbo=1 and problem still exist. May be I missed something in build process, I'll get a chance with spi speed branch one day ;-) Anyway, thanks for helping me.

kersing commented 6 years ago

This forwarder is the only one of the three using the newest lora libraries from Semtech. May-be that one is more particular?

hallard commented 6 years ago

good catch, do you think I can test it with old lora lib ?

hallard commented 6 years ago

so strange got compiled spi_speed branch of libloragw and mp_packet tried all (with reset in between of course)

./mp_pkt_fwd -s 8000000
./mp_pkt_fwd -s 5000000
./mp_pkt_fwd -s 4000000
./mp_pkt_fwd -s 1000000

none worked ;-( Anyway I wanted to know CPU usage of your new packet forwarder ? on my RPI3 old is 1% and TTN offcial is 10% (too much for my taste), hoping your in between ;-)

kersing commented 6 years ago

Old lora lib has different API. Will not work without some work. Could you try resin with to see if that works?

Top inside resin container shows ~ 1% for forwarder.

hallard commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I would like to, not sure to understand what resin is in fact, something like docker ?

kersing commented 6 years ago

Check : brings the benefits of Linux containers to the IoT. Develop iteratively, deploy safely, and manage at scale.

hallard commented 6 years ago

Need to try this ;-) Ok I done something interesting, gone to IMST LoraLite gateway (not a RPI3) rebuild your packet forwarder same thing unable to start concentrator, I think I missed something in build process ;-)

kersing commented 6 years ago

Have you configured it for use with 'native' spi and the correct device in lora_gateway/libloragw/library.cfg? Or are you accidentally trying to use the USB version? (SPI does not require libmpsse so if you need that you know you're not building for the right hardware)

kersing commented 6 years ago

For building on an RPi, you could use That version is for iC880a and works with RAK831 as well.

hallard commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the information

I think I'm in no luck with MP packet forwarder I just tried from another GW, an official IMST Gateway Lite (ic880a + Rpi B+) so not a PI3 I launched build script build.shfrom dev folder of, build fine and just changed install folder to /opt/ttn-gateway/ to avoid any conflict with original poly packet forwarder Since script install wiringPi I've done reset script and changed pin to GPIO5 to be sure

echo "Accessing concentrator reset pin through GPIO$RESET_PIN..."
    sleep 0.1
gpio -g mode $RESET_PIN out ; WAIT_GPIO
gpio -g write  $RESET_PIN 0 ; WAIT_GPIO
gpio -g write  $RESET_PIN 1 ; WAIT_GPIO
gpio -g write  $RESET_PIN 0 ; WAIT_GPIO


root@ttn-gw07(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/ ../
Accessing concentrator reset pin through GPIO5...
root@ttn-gw07(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/ ./mp_pkt_fwd 
*** Multi Protocol Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 3.0.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 5.0.1; Options: native;
INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: [main] Starting the concentrator
ERROR: Failed to load fw 1
ERROR: Version of calibration firmware not expected, actual:0 expected:2
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

and of course launching original poly packet forwarder starts the concentrator fine

root@ttn-gw07(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ../ 
Accessing concentrator reset pin through GPIO5...
root@ttn-gw07(rw):/opt/ttn-gateway/bin# ./poly_pkt_fwd 
*** Poly Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 2.1.0
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 3.1.0; Options: native;
INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: [main] concentrator started, radio packets can now be received.
INFO: [down] Thread activated for all server
INFO: [up] Thread activated for all servers.
INFO: [down] for server PULL_ACK received in 48 ms

I'm totally lost, building on my own or with on 2 different targets (RPI3 and RPI2 B+) with each is own ic880a board never succeeded to have it working.

kersing commented 6 years ago

Please check the global_config.json you are using, what is the clock source set to?

hallard commented 6 years ago

Jac you got it !!! I changed clock source, it was default setup for multitech not for other. I changed to setup clock source to 1 and now it works. Worth mentioning this on build script :-)

        /*  "clksrc": 1, radio_1 provides clock to concentrator for most devices except MultiTech */
    "clksrc": 0, /* radio_0 provides clock to concentrator for MultiTech */


        "clksrc": 1, /* radio_1 provides clock to concentrator for most devices except MultiTech */
    /* "clksrc": 0, radio_0 provides clock to concentrator for MultiTech */

Works on IMST Lite GW, I'll try on PI3 now

Thank you for your help

kersing commented 6 years ago

The full setup uses a python script to download the latest configuration at startup. By just using the build script you are not 'enjoying' the full experience :wink: and hence encountered this issue.