kesselborn / conex

Firefox extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Cannot easily switch to "default" container if other windows are open #238

Closed devurandom closed 5 years ago

devurandom commented 6 years ago

I have several Firefox windows open and installed Conex freshly. I assume all tabs in all windows are automatically in the "default" container. When I switch to another container in one window and then want to switch back to the "default" container in the same window (by clicking "default" in the Conex list of containers), instead of swapping the tabs of the current window, another of my open windows is being raised to the top.

Also it is not clear to me how Conex interacts with multiple windows being open. Will the "default" container" contain all tabs of all windows? If I switch to the "default" container, will that open all these tabs in one window -- i.e. will I have lots of duplicate tabs open? Or does every window have its containers with their own list of tabs?

I am using Firefox 60.0.1.

This could be a duplicate of #193.

kesselborn commented 6 years ago

hey: sorry for the very late reply: I was kind of off the grid for a while :/

basically, conex does not do special window treatment: it opens the last active tab of the container you want to switch to and focuses the window this container was in. I should make conex more windows-aware -- did not do it up to now, as I only use one window :)

terrizgit commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the same issue (I get a little confused with the nomenclature here - noob!)

I had all of my tabs open in one window (my primary window). I have the "only show tabs of the current container" option selected. Container A is open.

I opened a new, secondary window by dragging one of the container A tabs out of the primary window. I went back to the original window, and switched to container B. (The tab in the second window remained open, in container A - makes sense so far.)

I wanted to switch back to container A in my primary window. I click the Conex icon, and click container A in the drop-down. Focus changes to the secondary window - but only that one tab is opened. There appears to be no way to open the rest of the tabs!

I figured out that if I expanded the container A list in the drop-down, and selected a different tab than the one in the secondary window - all the rest of the container A tabs now appear in the primary window. (The tab in the second window remained open, in container A, as expected.)

How to get back my other container A tabs was not intuitive, at least to me...

kesselborn commented 5 years ago

Sorry: long time no comment: I understand what happens: when you click on a container entry in the popup, conex will always jump to the first tab of the container's list (which in your case is the tab from the second window) ... it's the same problem that #192 describes which is why I will close this one as a duplicate of #193 -- discussion continues there