kesselborn / conex

Firefox extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Open tabs in same container not working when Import bulk tabs #315

Closed piecevcake closed 5 years ago

piecevcake commented 5 years ago

They open in default. (Bookmark folders, onetab groups, tree tabs restore.)

WB a button to open all orphan/imported tabs in a set container?

Please see the full discussion of the issues at Can you help?

kesselborn commented 5 years ago

mm ... that would be the responsibility of the plugin that imports the tabs -- unless bulk import works without conex but does not work with conex enabled. Is that the case? If you restore a session, tabs are correctly opened in the respective containers. How do you bulk import? If it's done with a plugin, it shouldn't be a problem to save the container in the export. I will close this for now as this is not a functionality of conex

piecevcake commented 3 years ago

UM CONEX says it controls new tabs containers? Why are you saying that it is, for example, "BOOKMARKS" "responsibility"?

Bookmarks open in container can open new tabs from bookmarks a SELECTED container, why can't Conex open such tabs in the default (active) container???