kessler / node-regedit

Read, Write, List and do all sorts of funky stuff to the windows registry using node.js and windows script host
MIT License
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Undefined childProcess.execFile #112

Closed marco987 closed 1 year ago

marco987 commented 1 year ago

Hello. Trying to execute:

const regedit = require('regedit').promisified
var listResult = regedit.list('HKCU\\SOFTWARE')

I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply') at execFile
var child = childProcess.execFile.apply(childProcess, arguments)

Can I get some suggestions please?

kessler commented 1 year ago

Hi @marco987 sorry for the extremely late response and for not responding to your email as well. I'm a not getting the same error as you, only the (expected) output Promise { <pending> }. the promisified version should be used with async/await or Promise apis.