kestra-io / plugin-gcp

Apache License 2.0
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Adjust docs to use MIB units as number instead of GB #414

Closed japerry911 closed 2 weeks ago

japerry911 commented 2 weeks ago

What changes are being made and why?

How the changes have been QAed?

  - id: cpu
    type: STRING
    defaults: "2000"
    description: Defines the amount of CPU resources used by the trask in milliCPU units.

  - id: memory
    type: STRING
    defaults: "4096"
    description: Defines the amount of memory used by the task in MiB units.
      type: io.kestra.plugin.gcp.runner.Batch   
      projectId: "{{ secret('GCP_PROJECT_ID') }}"
      region: us-central1
      bucket: "{{ secret('GCS_LANDING_BUCKET') }}"
      waitUntilCompletion: 86400
      machineType: "{{ inputs.machine_type }}"
      serviceAccount: "{{ secret('GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON') }}"
        cpu: "{{ inputs.cpu }}"
        memory: "{{ inputs.memory }}"