Switching to a different animation clip with blend_to_animation is not behaving as expected.
I modified the script in the testPlugin project to the following :
extends CreatureGodot
var counter=0
func _ready():
# Called every time the node is added to the scene.
# Initialization here
func _process(delta):
if counter==100:
The scene starts with the 'default' animation playing, and should start to blend to the 'default0' animation smoothly after 100 frames, over a time controlled by blend factor, but instead it snaps immediately. Blend factor seems to play no role whatsoever.
Switching to a different animation clip with blend_to_animation is not behaving as expected.
I modified the script in the testPlugin project to the following :
The scene starts with the 'default' animation playing, and should start to blend to the 'default0' animation smoothly after 100 frames, over a time controlled by blend factor, but instead it snaps immediately. Blend factor seems to play no role whatsoever.