ketanhwr / reflexio

A web game based on reflection
MIT License
81 stars 72 forks source link

Mirror missing at level 3 when playing full screen #58

Open kazeita opened 5 years ago

kazeita commented 5 years ago


It;s supposed to be like:


By the way, is this project kinda dead? I wanna contribute more SFX, like a nice "woop" sound when the light reflects.

ketanhwr commented 5 years ago

It's kinda dead to be honest. I wrote it in a couple of days with no game-dev and javascript background so it has enormous amount of bugs. I can try to take out some time to merge some pull requests if you're interested :)

kazeita commented 5 years ago

It's kinda dead to be honest. I wrote it in a couple of days with no game-dev and javascript background so it has enormous amount of bugs. I can try to take out some time to merge some pull requests if you're interested :)

It's amazing creating that awesome game in a couple of days! You're so good! I'm working on the mentioned SFX...

kazeita commented 5 years ago

It's kinda dead to be honest. I wrote it in a couple of days with no game-dev and javascript background so it has enormous amount of bugs. I can try to take out some time to merge some pull requests if you're interested :)

Hey Ketan Gupta,

I added nice laser SFX when moving the mirrors! Please check it out at I only added laser.wav SFX in the sounds folder and added some lines in levels.js (line 1551)

And if you're kind enough, please give me permissions to create a branch in this project to submit a pull request...

ketanhwr commented 5 years ago

You can directly make a pull request to my master branch, there's no need to create a branch in the main repo.