ketingli1 /

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code5 #9

Open iwuming opened 5 years ago

iwuming commented 5 years ago


ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

insert overwrite into #app_da_ads_event_detail partition (month=substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6), table_name=pt_column) select fe.org_id as org_id, dv.org_name as org_name, dve.vehicle_ln as vehicle_ln, dve.vehicle_id as vehicle_id, fe.vehicle_vin as vehicle_vin, fe.driver_id as driver_id, ddr.driver_name as driver_name, det.event_name as event_name, if(det.score_type = 'NULL',-1,det.score_type) as score_type, det.event_type as event_type, from_unixtime(fe.event_begin_time) as start_time, from_unixtime(fe.event_end_time) as end_time, "" as event_location, 0 as event_deduct_marks, "" as event_explain, fe.speed as speed, fe.begin_longitude / 1000000 as start_longitude, --经纬度转换 fe.end_longitude / 1000000 as end_longitude, fe.begin_latitude / 1000000 as start_latitude, fe.end_latitude / 1000000 as end_latitude, if(fe.steer_state = 1, 1, 0) as left_steer_status, --转向状态转化 if(fe.steer_state = 2, 1, 0) as right_steer_status, if(fe.braking_state is not null, fe.braking_state, 0) as brake_status, --制动状态 concat(fe.vehiclevin, '', event_begintime, '', fe.event_code) as event_id, fe.journey_id as journey_id, if(fce.start_time is null, '0', '1') as check_status, --核对状态 1评分数据 0不参与评分数据,默认1 人工模式参考打分 substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as statistical_time, current_timestamp() as gmt_create, current_timestamp() as gmt_modify, '1' as status, concat('event_detailtxt', lpad(abs(hash_code(substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6))) % 1023, 4, 0)) as t_name, fe.event_code as event_code, substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as data_time, substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as month, concat('eventdetail', lpad(abs(hash_code(substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6))) % 1023, 4, 0)) as table_name from (select from #app_da_fct_event where month = substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) and from_unixtime(event_begin_time, 'yyyyMMdd') <= '${yyyymmdd-2}' ) fe left join #app_da_dim_event_type det on fe.event_code = det.event_code --查询事件详细介绍 left join (select distinct driver_id, driver_name from #app_da_dim_driver) ddr on fe.driver_id = ddr.driver_id --查询司机详细信息 left join (select distinct vehicle_vin, vehicle_ln, vehicle_id from #app_da_dim_vehicle ) dve on fe.vehicle_vin = dve.vehicle_vin --查询车辆详细信息 left join (select from #app_da_dim_organization) dv on dv.org_id = fe.org_id left join (select from #app_da_fct_manual_score_event where month = substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6)) fce on fe.org_id = fce.org_id and fce.vehicle_vin = fe.vehicle_vin and fce.event_code = fe.event_code and unix_timestamp(fce.start_time) = fe.event_begin_time where fe.month = substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) --查询事件列表信息 and fe.construct_type != 'violate' --违章事件不回流 UNION ALL -- 当天新增事件 select fe.org_id as org_id, dv.org_name as org_name, dve.vehicle_ln as vehicle_ln, dve.vehicle_id as vehicle_id, fe.vehicle_vin as vehicle_vin, fe.driver_id as driver_id, ddr.driver_name as driver_name, det.event_name as event_name, if(det.score_type = 'NULL',-1,det.score_type) as score_type, det.event_type as event_type, from_unixtime(fe.event_begin_time) as start_time, from_unixtime(fe.event_end_time) as end_time, "" as event_location, 0 as event_deduct_marks, "" as event_explain, fe.speed as speed, fe.begin_longitude / 1000000 as start_longitude, --经纬度转换 fe.end_longitude / 1000000 as end_longitude, fe.begin_latitude / 1000000 as start_latitude, fe.end_latitude / 1000000 as end_latitude, if(fe.steer_state = 1, 1, 0) as left_steer_status, --转向状态转化 if(fe.steer_state = 2, 1, 0) as right_steer_status, if(fe.braking_state is not null, fe.braking_state, 0) as brake_status, --制动状态 concat(fe.vehiclevin, '', event_begintime, '', fe.event_code) as event_id, fe.journey_id as journey_id, '1' as check_status, --核对状态 1评分数据 0不参与评分数据,默认1 人工模式参考打分 substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as statistical_time, current_timestamp() as gmt_create, current_timestamp() as gmt_modify, '1' as status, concat('event_detailtxt', lpad(abs(hash_code(substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6))) % 1023, 4, 0)) as t_name, fe.event_code as event_code, substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as data_time, substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) as month, concat('eventdetail', lpad(abs(hash_code(substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6))) % 1023, 4, 0)) as table_name from (select from #app_da_fct_event where month = substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) and from_unixtime(event_begin_time, 'yyyyMMdd') = '${yyyymmdd-1}' ) fe left join #app_da_dim_event_type det on fe.event_code = det.event_code --查询事件详细介绍 left join (select distinct driver_id, driver_name from #app_da_dim_driver) ddr on fe.driver_id = ddr.driver_id --查询司机详细信息 left join (select distinct vehicle_vin, vehicle_ln, vehicle_id from #app_da_dim_vehicle ) dve on fe.vehicle_vin = dve.vehicle_vin --查询车辆详细信息 left join (select * from #app_da_dim_organization) dv on dv.org_id = fe.org_id where fe.month = substr('${yyyymmdd-1}',1,6) --查询事件列表信息 and fe.construct_type != 'violate' --违章事件不回流 ;

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

iwuming commented 5 years ago

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HBaseConfiguration

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

select 'init_data' as org_id,'init_data' as event_code,'init_data' as event_name,0 as deduct_marks,'init_data' as update_explain,'init_data' as operator,current_timestamp() as gmt_create,current_timestamp() as gmt_modify,1 as status

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

select 'init_data' as org_id,'init_data' as vehicle_vim,'init_data' as event_code,current_timestamp() as start_time

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

select regexp_replace('abcd\sas\as','\\',"\"")

ketingli1 commented 5 years ago

ketingli1 commented 4 years ago


ketingli1 commented 4 years ago

set -e

source /home/hadoop/spark-2.2.2-bin-hadoop2.7/conf/

/home/hadoop/spark-2.2.2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --verbose \ --class com.icongtai.zebra.db.dwd.ManualScoreApplication \ --master yarn \ --deploy-mode cluster \ --num-executors "15" \ --executor-memory "5g" \ --executor-cores "2" \ --driver-memory "2g" \ --conf \ /home/hadoop/banma/driver-behavior-bigdata-source-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ /ytdw/app ${yyyymm}

sh /home/hadoop/banma/resource/shell/datax/yt_shell/ app_da_fct_vehicle_scoring ${yyyymm}