kettle11 / devserver

A simple HTTPS server for local development. Implemented in Rust.
zlib License
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Difference between http crate? #7

Closed pickfire closed 4 years ago

pickfire commented 4 years ago

What is the difference between this crate and http (host these things please) crate I saw that this have live-reload.

kettle11 commented 4 years ago

devserver's only additional feature that http does not have is the ability to refresh the page when a file changes. http supports a bunch of features that devserver does not.

The bigger difference is that devserver aims to be really really simple. The goal of this crate is to be an ultra-lean tool for serving static websites with almost no configuration.

Just to compare cargo install times (as an approximate way to measure simplicity): devserver builds / installs in 35 seconds and http builds / installs in 2 minutes 50 seconds.

The entire devserver crate is only 909 lines of code, and 573 of those are just a giant match statement for mime types.

pickfire commented 4 years ago

devserver's only additional feature that http does not have is the ability to refresh the page when a file changes. http supports a bunch of features that devserver does not.

Have you thought about adding that feature in http as well? Because IIRC http also aims to be zero-config.

The entire devserver crate is only 909 lines of code, and 573 of those are just a giant match statement for mime types.

Yes, http is slower but it comes with a pack of stuff.

kettle11 commented 4 years ago

You raise a good point. To be honest I didn't know about http until you pointed it out. I'd be happy to explain the approach devserver uses for automatic reloading if they'd like to add it to http as well.

The gist of the approach is that a tiny bit of Javascript is injected into every HTML page. That Javascript listens on a websocket for any signal from the server, and when it receives a signal it refreshes the page.

I don't want to directly implement it for http myself because I'm not sure how the feature would interact with the rest of http, but I imagine it wouldn't be too hard for someone familiar with http to add.

pickfire commented 4 years ago I opened an issue in http regarding this feature. @kettle11 thanks for pointing that out.

pickfire commented 4 years ago

Looks like http are not looking into live reload feature.

kettle11 commented 4 years ago

That's too bad. Their response to you was pretty rude too.

If you end up using devserver please open issues if you run into any problems. I'm trying to keep devserver minimalist, but I'm also open to adding features that people think are important.