kevL / TccScripts

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Crafting.2da SKILL (feat ids) = 0 #19

Open kevL opened 5 years ago

kevL commented 5 years ago

Several of the fields in Crafting.2da have "0" for the required Feat. While there is code in DoMagicCrafting() that assigns a default feat (see lines 542+ in 'ginc_crafting') -- a true FeatID should be specified.

main reason: Feat #0 is actually Alertness. reason2: a enchanting recipe that requires no feat is currently impossible.

ref -

vandervecken commented 5 years ago

Seems worthwhile as a cleanup measure.

vandervecken commented 5 years ago

What happens to recipes that work on e.g. weapons and wondrous items? Multi-tag.

kevL commented 5 years ago

the default feat required (as determined in DoMagicCrafting() ) is based on the TCC-type of the item in the container -- which is ofc only 1 type. The TAGS of the recipe don't matter when determining Feat req'd

( matching tags with the item's type happened earlier in the funct )

so if a recipe is used on a weapon, the default Feat req'd is MagicArms&Armor if the same recipe is used on boots, feat req'd would be WondrousItems

vandervecken commented 5 years ago

ok, this is unclear. Do you mean: a) every recipe in crafting.2da (or at least more than currently) should reference a specific featID for an existing feat, instead of referencing 0 and relying on DoMagicCrafting() to auto pick or b) Auto-picking in DoMagicCrafting() is fine, but you object to the presence of "0" as the trigger for auto-picking because "0" is also a feat.

kevL commented 5 years ago

i think I see the problem you're getting at : if a recipe can do either Arms&Armor or Wondrous, it should use the default Feat req'd mechanism ... uh, thinking..

kevL commented 5 years ago

how does this strike you? (for ip-enchanting and ip-construction only -- mundane crafting and alchemy use SKILLS completely differently)

SKILL=\ // requires that feat SKILL=-1 // use default algorithm SKILL=-2 // no feat req'd

vandervecken commented 5 years ago

Works for me.

kevL commented 5 years ago

I just counted ~325 recipes that need to be changed if/when the script DoMagicCrafting() changes. So i'll wait until you say you're ready to do those changes ... (or argue that it's too much hassle and things should be left as they are :)

vandervecken commented 5 years ago

Well that number will bounce around for a bit as I make other changes.

kevL commented 5 years ago
