kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Hatching Outline #235

Closed baldyman01 closed 1 year ago

baldyman01 commented 1 year ago

My hatch pattern looks like this -

Screenshot from 2022-08-19 16-00-52

But my output looks like this - Screenshot from 2022-08-19 16-01-19 I want to have the hatch pattern appear without the red border it's coming out with. I've tried setting Line Weigh to 0 but that doesn't help.


baldyman01 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, done it again. If you have two meshes in the hatch collection it screws things up.