kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Enabling fails with Blender 3.4.1. Shader load paths not respecting OS path conventions #252

Closed seichter closed 1 year ago

seichter commented 1 year ago

Latest head (today) does yield the following error when trying to enable the file:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/blender/3.4/scripts/modules/", line 333, in enable
    mod = __import__(module_name)
  File "/home/hartmut/.config/blender/3.4/scripts/addons/MeasureIt_ARCH-development/", line 78, in <module>
    from . import measureit_arch_main
  File "/home/hartmut/.config/blender/3.4/scripts/addons/MeasureIt_ARCH-development/", line 33, in <module>
    from .measureit_arch_geometry import clear_batches, update_text, draw3d_loop, preview_dual
  File "/home/hartmut/.config/blender/3.4/scripts/addons/MeasureIt_ARCH-development/", line 75, in <module>
    aafrag = load_shader_str("aa_frag.glsl")
  File "/home/hartmut/.config/blender/3.4/scripts/addons/MeasureIt_ARCH-development/", line 68, in load_shader_str
    shader_file = open(os.path.join(path, "glsl\{}".format(file)), "r")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/hartmut/.config/blender/3.4/scripts/addons/MeasureIt_ARCH-development/glsl\\aa_frag.glsl'

EDIT Just realized that I was on a development branch, master lets me enable - please update the installation instructions as the repository defaults to development branch. Sorry for the noise.

kevancress commented 1 year ago

Hey @seichter

Thanks for reporting! I'd just been overhauling how the shaders get stored and loaded in the add-on, and had left some windows specific paths hardcoded in there, thanks for catching it!

Should be fixed in 0810e00f977dd36d3d8c3dd5ce1231dd18309d1a on the development branch, If you wouldn't mind testing it and seeing if enables on Linux now that would be a big help.

I actually do recommend people use the development branch, if they don't mind the occasional bug, It's been a while since I've done a proper update to the master branch so it's marginally more stable, but quite out of date.

seichter commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I changed to the newest development branch and it works as expected. I leave to you to close this issue.

kevancress commented 1 year ago

Great! Thanks for confirming! Let me know if you have any other issues!