kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Titleblock Text Broken in Raster Renders #256

Closed kevancress closed 4 months ago

kevancress commented 1 year ago

Title Block text doesn't render correctly (At all)

Calling text_update_loop() from within a main render causes blender to render the screen texture to the offscreen buffer, instead of actually drawing the text... I think the solution for this is doing a 2D draw pass (to re-draw all text textures) before we create the 3D offscreen buffer.

kevancress commented 4 months ago

fixed in the gpu module draw overhaul