kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Cycles Render Preview continually restarts when MeasureIt_ARCH is enabled #266

Closed dimitarsp closed 4 months ago

dimitarsp commented 10 months ago

Hi, love the work you're doing! I've noticed an error that in 3.6, in render preview mode with Cycles and Measure it arch enabled, the rendering seems to be stuck at re-rendering only 1 sample and can't get past it.

kevancress commented 6 months ago

Hey @dimitarsp

Sorry for the slow response on this, had a very busy last couple of months, getting caught up on maintenance here over the Holiday break!

Unfortunately I think this is a limitation of how Cycles interacts with the python draw handler API. MeasureIt_ARCH draws every time Blenders Viewport updates, which seems to be ~30-60 times a second, unfortunately Cycles seems to interpret MeasureIt_ARCH's draw call as an update to the scene, which causes it to restart the preview rendering...

Not sure if this is solvable on the Python side, maybe there's another way to handle python viewport drawing that I'm not aware of that works better with cycles?

ktjo commented 6 months ago

First of all, thank you for all your work on this very useful addon!

I think I've managed to track down what triggers the continuous redraw, to line 3983 in

Adding a condition to this assignment seems to avoid the update loop.

if dim.fontSize != dimProps.fontSize:
    dim.fontSize` = dimProps.fontSize

Another issue might be on line 513 In my testing the text_field_invalid condition is always true, perhaps there is missing some set/reset of the is_invalid flag in the code?

kevancress commented 5 months ago

@ktjo thanks for catching this! I'd always assumed that having a python 'Post_View' draw handler enabled would cause a cycles re-draw regardless, but just did some tests with a basic post view draw and your right, it seems like it is possible to not interrupt the cycles render samples!

I'll take a look at my assignments and flags to see if I can get this working with the cycles render preview!

kevancress commented 4 months ago

@dimitarsp @ktjo

Sorry this took so long, I think I've got this working well with cycles now as of this commit 17fce9860a2d9622a5cd6114d1a30a04c93a0fbf. It seems to not interrupt the viewport preview render anymore!

Cheers feel free to re-open if there's any other issues!