kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Auto Aligned Text doesn't align in v0.5 with Blender 4.0 #268

Closed realstevewarner closed 6 months ago

realstevewarner commented 6 months ago

Hey Kevan! In Blender 3.6 using MIA 0.4.6 using the Add Dimension - Aligned on an edge will create a measurement that will rotate and adjust to the 3D viewport's viewing angle. In Blender 4.0 using MIA 0.5.0, the same process will add the measurement, but it will not auto-adjust to the angle of the 3D viewport.

The attached video shows this in more detail with side-by-side comparisons.

kevancress commented 6 months ago

Ahh okay! Yep this was actually an adjustment I made between MeasureIt_ARCH v0.4.6 and v0.5.0. I was finding the automatic alignment to the viewport challenging to work with when laying out larger plans and sections, and so I set everything to stay aligned to the View's Camera, rather than the 3D viewport.

I should be able to restore the old viewport alignment behavior if its desirable. Maybe I'll add a toggle in the options menu so that viewport aligned or camera aligned can be set depending on the desired behavior for a scene.

kevancress commented 6 months ago

Also thanks for the side by side. This reminds me I also need to make some adjustments to the default dimension style values to make the default a bit more visually coherent like the older version. I made some changes to how lineweights and arrow sizes get computed to have better consistency between raster and vector outputs, but never did a visual/aesthetic update to the defaults.

realstevewarner commented 6 months ago

Ah! That makes sense about the larger layouts being a challenge with the auto alignment. But yes, it would be extremely helpful (to me at least) to have that as an option which can be turned on or off.

A lot of what I do at work is high level space planning. Take a CAD plan or Google Earth view and rough out dimensions to determine if we can properly develop the area. So a lot of it is just quick screen grabs from the 3D viewport and having the dimensions automatically align to my view makes this process extremely fast.


I really appreciate the work you've done on this addon. I know it's a labor of love, but I can honestly say it's my most frequently used Blender addon and your work on it has been a game changer for me.

kevancress commented 6 months ago


Okay this was a pretty easy fix, all the view alignment code was still in there, I was just bypassing it if a scene camera was defined.

Added a new option in the scene settings to default to viewport based alignment if desired. image

Glad the addons been helpful for you!!!

realstevewarner commented 6 months ago

Fantastic! Just tested it and it's flawless! Thanks for the quick fix on this!

kevancress commented 6 months ago

Great!! Let me know if you find any other issues!