kevancress / MeasureIt_ARCH

MeasureIt_ARCH is an addon for Blender, that adds tools to create design documentation and technical drawings that can be previewed within Blender's 3D viewport, and exported as images, vector graphics or .dxf files. Read the Doc's here:
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Awesome plugin - what is the best Blender version ? #282

Open 99bits opened 3 days ago

99bits commented 3 days ago

Thank you for this amazing plugin. Super helpful.

I'm on a Mac, can you suggest what would be the best version of Blender to use. I'm asking this because it seems that there are many improvements and I'm not sure what is the most updated version of Blender you are using to develop and test the plugin.


kevancress commented 3 days ago

@99bits I've been using Blender 4.0.1 for my testing. But I think it should work fine up to 4.2

Not sure if the addon will enable with the new "Extensions" system in 4.3... I'll have to look into this.

If you do happen to test with 4.3 let me know how it goes!