kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Can't Add Scenes to Project #119

Closed egoebelbecker closed 1 year ago

egoebelbecker commented 1 year ago

When I try to add a file to my project the GUI indicates that it's there, but it's not added to

I see this on the console:

node:internal/errors:464 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received null
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:464:5)
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
    at validateString (node:internal/validators:119:11)
    at Object.join (node:path:1172:7)
    at e.getFullRealPath (app.js:1:1072141)
    at e.getFullPath (app.js:1:1072064)
    at app.js:1:1063785
    at n (app.js:1:1072467)

Here the Index file:

  format: scenes
  title: The Great War of the Worlds
  sceneFolder: /
  scenes: []
  ignoredFiles: []

This is on Both macOS Monterey and Ubuntu Linux.

egoebelbecker commented 1 year ago

Well, removing the plugin (which obisidan couldn't successfully unload), stopping obisidian, ensuring that plugin folder was gone, removing from porject, and starting from scratch cleared that.

Now I can't get my other laptop to load the project. Opening another ticket.