kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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[feature request] Handle folders in scene files #125

Open scorchio opened 1 year ago

scorchio commented 1 year ago

I've started to import an existing writing project into Longform which has a structure like this: get the idea.

Not sure if I'm understanding things correctly, but it seems to me that Longform assumes a flat file hierarchy inside sceneFolder. No matter how I wanted to add the files to the index file's scenes list (I mean with or without the folder name and the slash), it did not work. This would be great to support.

pdworkman commented 1 year ago

After you have added the "scenes" to the project or draft, you can drag the child scenes right to indent them and nest them under the parents.

kevboh commented 1 year ago

it seems to me that Longform assumes a flat file hierarchy inside sceneFolder

You are correct. Treating vault subfolders as organizational within a Longform project introduces some complexity that I'm just not prepared to deal with, at least at the current moment. As @pdworkman notes, you can drag scenes or use the indentation commands to adjust them relative to others and simulate folders.

b-camphart commented 4 months ago

@kevboh When I finish the big brunt of work I'm focused on now, I might come back to address this. Would you be happy assigning it to me?

kevboh commented 4 months ago

@b-camphart all yours!