kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Feature Request: Remove internal anchor links #166

Open alxandrharris opened 1 year ago

alxandrharris commented 1 year ago

I absolutely LOVE this plug-in.

If possible, it would be great to include the option to remove the anchor links when compiling (i.e. ^520cf7)

I am using Longform and Obsidian to write in the screenplay format (Fountain) and importing into another software that produces the final PDF formatting. The anchor links show up in the final formatting in Fountain, so the ability to remove them would be incredible!

Another feature I would like, but less necessary, would be some way to exclude certain scenes from prepending titles.

kevboh commented 1 year ago

I can't see the attachment w/r/t your first request, but this should already be possible in compile with the Remove Links step. Or do you mean something else?

edited to add: perhaps you mean <a> tags?

alxandrharris commented 1 year ago

Even though it removes the link, it still leaves behind the little anchor code. This is specifically for links that reference a specific line of text. For example, when you type [[Example#^...]].

I hope that makes more sense. Thank you.

Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 7 32 38 PM Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 7 27 38 PM
sloanelybutsurely commented 1 year ago

@alxandrharris does the behavior persist if you add specific link text to the wikilink?

- ![[Text 2#^b56ec0]]
+ ![[Text 2#^b56ec0|Test 2]]