kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Feature Request: Remove Embedded links #171

Open AndrewMWebster opened 1 year ago

AndrewMWebster commented 1 year ago

Request: Remove the entire link for embedded links, not just stripping the brackets. (Possibly as an option.)

If, for example, a "Chapter" file has scene files embedded for ease of preview, currently the compiled output shows the stripped embed link text, even though the embedded files are in the Scenes hierarchy to ensure their inclusion in the Compiled output.

Description: To output a Chapter & Scene hierarchy, the scene files are organized in the Scenes tab under each Chapter and indented.

To ease preview of each chapter, I've used embed links (e.g. ![[Scene 01]]) in the Chapter file, so I can simply read each chapter to confirm that the scenes flow as desired, without having to wade through the entire compiled document.

However, on Compile, the output shows a Chapter (wanted) but with the stripped links (not wanted) followed by the Scenes content (wanted).

Attempts to workaround: Since currently scenes cannot apparently be deleted from the Scenes tab, I tried moving them out of a Chapter, to see if Compile was pulling from the link or from the actual scene file, just in case. It's not (which is actually logical.)