kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Remove scene from "Scenes" list #173

Closed AndrewMWebster closed 5 months ago

AndrewMWebster commented 1 year ago

As a Longform user I want to be able to remove files added in error to the Scenes list So that irrelevant matter will not be included when compiling.

I almost logged this as a bug, but it's not something that's not working - it's something that's missing!

It's very easy to accidentally add a file to the Scenes list. But afaik it's impossible to remove it, without manually editing the index file. It seems risky to rely on "going behind the scenes" to resolve a mistake.

kevboh commented 1 year ago

So you can do this now by ignoring the file--add it to the ignoredFiles list in your index, and remove from scenes.

I'll leave this ticket open for adding UI to do this, but this sort of index editing us totally fine.

AndrewMWebster commented 1 year ago

Grand. A UI would definitely make it slightly less nerve-wracking. While the joy of Obsidian is that so much is tucked away in plain(-ish) text, that's also the danger of it!

kevboh commented 5 months ago

Closed by referenced PR.