kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Feature Request: Arbitrary Scene Organization #184

Open b-camphart opened 10 months ago

b-camphart commented 10 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like I'd like to be able to organize scenes into, for example, acts

Describe alternatives you've considered Right now, I have to create empty files in the scene folder called "Act One" or whatever. I tried faking it without adding the files, but still modifying the scenes property to have nonexistent headers:

    - Act One
    - - Scene 1
      - Scene 2
    - Act Two
    - - Scene 3
      - Scene 4

But the result of this, without the "Act One" and "Act Two" files existing, is that longform just outright ignores them.

kevboh commented 10 months ago

Empty files would be the idiomatically correct thing in Obsidian terms, imo, in that you've determined that Act One is a thing and thus should be able to be linked to/have backlinks. But I understand that this could mess with compile. Perhaps the real solution is a thing I think I've mentioned elsewhere, a frontmatter flag to have compile ignore a scene?

b-camphart commented 10 months ago

That's already accomplished with the ignoredScenes property, though, isn't it? If the idiomatic thing is to have the files, and it's just about ignoring those during compilation, then does a new feature even need to be built?

kevboh commented 10 months ago

Ignored scenes won't show up in the longform explorer at all; this is a middle ground, where scenes can be part of the project but ignored on compile.

b-camphart commented 10 months ago

I see, that makes sense. Probably related to #169 then?

kevboh commented 10 months ago

Yes. I knew there was an issue! Thanks.