kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Feature Request: Ability To Collapse All Nested Scenes #200

Open Scyoni opened 9 months ago

Scyoni commented 9 months ago

When navigating to the scenes tab, all scenes default to 'expanded' (displaying the full list of nested scenes). When working on a large project with multiple parts and over a hundred chapters (each with a few scenes) it becomes difficult to find a specific chapter/scene in the list as you have to scroll through it and collapse nested groups individually.

Describe the solution you'd like A button to 'collapse all' nested scenes in the scene viewer, either at the top level or via a context menu for all items lower in the indentation hierarchy.

Describe alternatives you've considered A setting to default scenes to collapsed on load or saving the expanded/collapsed state of the scenes list when the pane is inactive and/or the app restarts could fix some of the difficulty by only allowing things to stay collapsed, although I suspect that would be more difficult to implement and has less overall utility.

Can't really think of an alternative to doing this manually if I want to search through my chapters/scenes in manuscript order.

kevboh commented 9 months ago

Good idea, thank you!

vishae commented 7 months ago

The idea of saving the expand/collapse state of scenes would be a great feature.

thefullmlg commented 5 months ago
