kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Bug: Scenes continuing to disappear from project, index file loses the scene order, or the project does not reflect the index file #238

Closed etobias-musiced closed 5 months ago

etobias-musiced commented 5 months ago

Versions Longform version: 2.0.7 Obsidian version: 1.5.3 OS [e.g. macOS, Windows, iOS, Android]: MacOS Theme: Minimal Other plugins that you think might be relevant here: Maybe Sync ?

Describe the bug This is a continuation of issue #212 Forgetting All The Scenes, that was recently closed:

The index file keeps becoming empty or losing many of the files and the scenes are no longer recognized as being in a specific order or even being in the folder. This has happened at least 3 times in the past few days after some of the recent updates. Screenrecording below

It's possible that something is happening with the project file syncing between computers? As I sometimes work on the project at home and at my job with two different computers.

To Reproduce Open up Obsidian and access a project - and my longform project is no longer in order

Expected behavior I expected the project file to be organized

Screenshots Screen recording here

Additional context Attempted to edit the index file itself outside of Obsidian Attempted to edit the index file in Obsidian The files get added to the project again but are no longer in the order that is in the index file after I edit the index file directly.

I really appreciate this plugin when it is working!

kevboh commented 5 months ago

Let's use #212, which I've reopened.