kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Archived completed projects #250

Open LamFTS opened 3 months ago

LamFTS commented 3 months ago

Dear Kevboh, I have used longform to manage my writing for a long period of time, therefore I have a long list of longform projects, is there anyway I can hidden or remove the projects that I have finished from the list? I would like to keep the index file in case of someday I might re-organize this project. May be limit the search location or add new property to yaml might be the potential solution.look forward to your reply :)

mk-uc commented 3 months ago


kevboh commented 2 months ago

Yep, it's something I want to do. In the meantime you could just edit the main longform yaml key to be, like, longform-archived or something.