kevboh / longform

A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
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Help: how to work with versioning and drafts of scenes? #259

Open kerim opened 1 month ago

kerim commented 1 month ago

Sorry to put this here, but I didn't see any place to just ask for help from the community.

I just came back to longform after a while and am wondering how the best way to work with scene level versioning is? I see you can do versioning of an entire project within the project menu, but don't see any similar controls for individual scenes. I imagine users have some kind of workarounds for this?

For instance, if I have a document:

Project X

  1. Section 1.1 sub-section 1.1.1 sub-sub-section

And I want to revise "1.1.1 sub-sub-section" but keep the current version for reference. So that I have "1.1.1 sub-sub-section (01)" and "1.1.1 sub-sub-section (02)" - how do people do that?

Right now it only seems possible to save the entire project and have "Project X (01)" and "Project X (02)", but not what I described above?


kerim commented 1 month ago

I realized I'm probably overthinking it. A project folder of text files is pretty small. My current project is barely 50kb. Saving a new draft every time I want to update an individual scene feels like overkill, but in terms of today's storage it probably barely moves the needle. If I make a 100 drafts it will still be only around 5MB!